Chapter 46

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

I was speeding to Adam's house. I couldn't be away from Kaisen any longer. I tried the whole giving him space thing and it's killing me. At any second I'm scared that he's going to break up with me.

I tried not to think of my fears and only about his health. He's still hurt and I was going to be there for him no matter what.

I knocked on Adam's door, anxiously. Kaisen and I haven't talked much in the past few weeks. I can tell he's still hurt about the virginity thing. I wasn't sure what else to say about that. There's nothing I can say that'll make him feel any different.

After what felt like forever, Adam opened the door. "Hey." I said, looking over his shoulder in hopes I could see Kaisen.

"Hi, he is on the couch sleeping." He let me in while pointing to where Kaisen is.

I went over to the couch and saw Kaisen sleeping soundly. I grabbed his hand and started rubbing the back of it. "How are you?" I asked Adam, still looking at Kaisen.

His eyes opened. "You're here." His hand wrapped around me. "I missed you." He mumbled then went right back to sleep.

"Can we talk?" Adam said without waiting for me he walked away.

I kissed Kaisen's forehead before following Adam. "Yeah?" I asked, looking in the direction Kaisen was.

"Why the fuck did you tell him?" He sounded frustrated. "Kaisen is not a kid but every time you even say Sage or Khari's name he is gonna think something else. He cuts out everyone he sleeps with or even was in love with because he takes it as moving on. I understand you only had sex once which I have no opinion about but him....he is gonna overthink everything and it's gonna strain whatever you two have."

"I me I do." I sighed. "He asked the question and what reason did I have to lie? I can't go back and change it no matter how much I want to. I don't think there's anything I can do that'll make it better and I'm scared. Holy fuck I'm scared."

"You're scared?" He sounded surprised. "He is scared you will dump him if he complains and you're also scared." He smiled. "But don't tell him I told you that."

"He's scared?" I was surprised. "I'm scared that this is too much and he's going to break up with me. He doesn't even look at me the same." I felt tears building.

"He told me you flirted with them about shirtless pics and sexual tension between you three."

I shook my head. "Sage and Khari flirt with each other because they're dating. There was a shirtless selfie sent to the group chat but I didn't say anything about as Khari went on and on about how hot it was. I didn't think it was appropriate to comment on it so I muted the go and allowed them to shamelessly flirt."

"So the tension is between them, that idiot thinks you were involved." He chuckled while shaking his head. "Anyway I will help you carry him to the car, it's unlikely he will wake up anytime soon."

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