Chapter 21

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

This couldn't be happening right now. I had fifteen minutes before my date and you're telling me Cheko is trying to get back at me for stopping my merchandise supply after he tried to kill me. Now he wants us to meet?

Just as he couldn't give me a second chance that is how I wasn't going to give him a second chance. I will have to get a replacement from one of his enemies, I have already set up a meeting with them because Cheko is about to become nothing without me. Motherfucker takes me for a joke, I was shot at and I left my blood pooling behind every step I took now he expects us to get back in business with each other.

"We need to deal with this." Dad said as if not seeing me fully dressed in a suit, obviously ready to go and win over my love. I am still seventeen and having fun with competition is my life.

"I am done with Cheko, dad." I picked up my coat. "I am getting someone better."

"You need to use your business brain right now. In this kind of business, things do happen. We try to kill each other but get back together and work it out."

"Like you did with the Delano family." All they did was stop the battle but not forgive and definitely not forget.

"This is business."

"I hear you." I put on the coat. "But I am not going back in business with him. I have scheduled an appointment with Pasha, next week I will be traveling to Russia but today and right now I need to go pick up my date."

"Get her pregnant, I need a grandson."

"Even if I wanted to it would be practically impossible." Because he is a he. "But hey, I am just seventeen." I escaped before he could deeply dive into that conversation of me being ready to have kids. As much as he cares and loves me, he cares more about his blood procreation. His worst fear is his family bloodline ending with me because he failed to have another child after me.

His brother walked out of the family, not being able to handle the pressure and killing. He is a Christian now with no kids. This means the Hill family blood is in me alone and my father fears for that. If I die everything is gone, no more Hill family and that is why he wants me to have kids as soon as possible. No being ready, it's all business.

I sat in my car and drove to the location where I planned on meeting up with Rhys. I couldn't go into his territory so he had to meet up with me on neutral ground. I was there at exactly seven and within five minutes he parked his car. He got out wearing a black suit, everything he wore was black with his hair slicked back and shades on. He looks handsome and I had to say it out loud. "You look handsome."

He looked surprised. " too." I wore a black suit and unlike him, I had a white shirt on.

I opened the door. "Get in." He did and I drove off towards the dock. The ride was short and silent, once there I got out and he followed. Not once did he question where we were going, the captain greeted us while leading us inside before excusing himself.

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