Chapter 36

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

"I don't know what's wrong with me. We knew this was just a bet. Why does it feel...different?" I sat on Sage's couch confused. I won the bet, I should be celebrating but instead, I'm here confused by what happened with Kaisen.

"Are you in love with him?"

I scoffed. "No."

Sage sat up straight. "Okay. Without thinking about it I want you to answer these questions. Ready?" I nodded. "When you wake up in the morning, who's the first person you think about?"


"When you go to bed at night, who's the last person you think about?"


"When you're sad, who's the person you go to?"

I frowned, "Kaisen."

"Why?" He asked with a knowing look.

"Because he's easy to talk to. Believe it or not, he's a great listener."

He hummed. "When you're happy, who's the first person you want to talk to?"

"Kaisen." I smiled. "He's just as excited as me when I share good news.

Sage looked at Khari which caused him to sigh. "Out of everyone that you've kissed, who's the best kisser?" Khari asked.

"Kaisen. He always has me coming back for more."

"What? I thought it was me."

"It was you....for five years then I kissed Kaisen and he took that spot."

Khari rolled his eyes. "You're in love with him."

I shook my head. "I've never been in love and even if I haven't, I'd know what it feels like." There's no way I could be in love with Kaisen. He spoke of it like it was...I'd definitely know if I was in love."

"Okay why-" my phone rang, cutting Sage off.

I picked it up and saw Kaisen's name. It instantly brought a smile to my face as I answered it. "Hi."

"I got the go ahead to kill Dominic. Wanna join?"

"Can we do it in matching shirts?" I asked, excited.

I heard him laugh. "Even better, see you at my place in twenty."

"Okay." I hung up and jumped up. "I have to go." I said to Khari and Sage.

"Love awaits?"

"I'm not in love with him." I sighed and went to my house to grab matching shirts. I put on a shirt that said 'I'm his boyfriend'. And grabbed the shirt that said 'I'm not gay but my boyfriend is'.

I drove to Kaisen's house and knocked on the door. "Hey." He opened the door excited and almost hugged me but stopped. I pulled him into one and made it short so it doesn't get awkward. "I like shirt." He looked at his and laughed. "Accurate."

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