Chapter 4

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

I'm not entirely sure what happened. One minute I'm in the locker room getting dressed for track and the next I'm tied up in a dimly lit basement getting beat. I was kicked and stomped over and over until I got knocked out. I don't remember much from there but I woke up an alley bleeding out.

I had to bring myself back home, It's been a few hours and I am still mad as fuck. I was in pain but my anger was enough to wash all the pain away. I punched the wall, needing some way to release this anger I was feeling. I want to know who dared to fucking kidnap me and do this to me, who dared to do such a thing because once I find or touch them they are dead.

I opened my computer and hacked into our school security cameras. Someone definitely hacked the cameras. You can see them going in but not going out.

I grabbed the nearest thing and threw it out of anger. The glass shattered against the wall causing Khari and Sage to run in the room with guns in hand.

Khari picked up a piece of glass, putting his gun away. "Bad day?" He looked at me.

I huffed. "I don't know you tell me!" I pointed at my black eye.

Sage grabbed my face. "What happened?"

I pushed his hand away. "Some fuck kidnapped me." I motioned to the men on the screen. I looked at them. "And where the fuck were you two?"


"I- nothing! You're supposed to be my right and left hand and you let me get kidnapped? In broad daylight no less!"

"We were outside stretching for track, the sport you made us sign up for."

I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I'm supposed to be quitting because I am running track but the stress in my life makes that damn near impossible. Case in point.

"You're right." I nodded. I turned around and ran the faces through my facial recognition. I stood up while it was loading. "Let's go."

We went downstairs to our home gym. I think this might be the only thing I'll miss about this house, seeing as I'll be moving out soon. I want to live in my own house with Khari and Sage, which is currently getting built right now.

I motioned to the treadmill. "Run. Run until I get tired of looking at you." They might be my best friends but I'm still their boss. This was strictly business. Right now they didn't let their best friend get kidnapped, they let their boss get kidnapped and I'll make sure that never happens again.

They looked at me and ran nevertheless. "I'm so-" Sage spoke.

"No. From now on if I'm out of your sight for more than an hour come look for me. Midnight is available 24/7 and I'm damn sure you know how to contact him." Midnight is our hacker. When I don't want to do something he does it. Or when I'm too busy to do it. He trained with the same teacher as me and he might just be a bit better but no one dares to admit that.

"Yes sir." Khari said, trying to control his breathing as he ran. I upped the speed on both treadmills.

"Thirty minutes on this." I said, setting it to the highest setting. "When you're done, go to the basement. You'll be target practice for the new members." I paused. "Unless you can give me a good reason as to why I was kidnapped and now have bruises all over my body."

"Maybe Kaisen found out about Anna." Sage said, damn near breathless.

I looked at him. "I'll look into it. You better hope I figure it out in thirty minutes or your ass is grass." I said, walking out of the gym.

I've never thought about Kaisen finding out about Anna and I. Well there is no 'and I' since we're not dating and only fuck buddies. Then again it's been damn near a month and if he's just now finding out, he's dumber than I thought.

Even if he is just finding out, why didn't he do the job himself? I walked back into my room and looked at my computer. The facial recognition was done and picked up the two guys, Cody Black and James Sledge. They were just normal street thugs who would never dare attack me unless someone big or money was behind it.

Without asking Khari and Sage for their help I drove to the streets and searched for these guys. Cody Black. I kept on looking at their pictures as my car passed through all the street junkies, after not finding who I was searching for I went to where expensive junkies go.

They obviously got paid so I bet they are around here. My eyes landed on James. I got out of the car with my gun in hand, his friends tried to warn him but I had already reached him. I took hold of his collar pulling him away from his friends who did nothing to stop me even without being threatened as if they knew this problem was not theirs to solve.

I took James to my car pushed him onto the hood and asked him who sent him, my gun pointed at his chin. He shook before spilling who sent him. "Adam." Kaisen's right hand. I threw him to the side. I had no fault with him. I only had fault with the person that sent him to give me a black eye.

I could throw something. I drove back home, fighting to keep my anger at bay. Why would Kaisen attack me? Did he think I wouldn't find out if he used street junkies? I'm one of the best hackers in this business and I am not him. What was this even about? We are rivals but we have never attacked each other. Is this about Anna? Did he find out so now he decided to attack me thinking I wouldn't know it was him? It doesn't take me a month to track someone, the longest that it's taken is a week. This time they attacked me.

I'm going to kill him. I walked back to the gym. "You were right. It was Kaisen." I grabbed a weight and threw it at the mirror, shattering it in the process.

"Calm down." Khari said, still running on the treadmill.

"Calm down? Calm down?! There is no fucking calm! He kidnapped me! I'm going to kill him!" I yelled.

"No! You can't. He belongs to the Hill family. I understand that you're our boss and all, but you have us as your right and left hand because of situations like this. Killing Kaisen Hill will start a war." Sage said, not breaking eye contact even as he ran.

His words calmed me down though. I needed to hear right now. "Okay. Get off the treadmill. We're kidnapping him." I need a drink.

"We can't kidnap him."

"Yes we can and we will."

"We can't and we won't." Sage said through gritted teeth.

I stepped to him. "Sage Ash Sawyer. He kidnapped me. Do you understand how disrespectful that is?" I asked. He clearly doesn't.

He pushed me back. "I'm not only telling you as a friend, but as your third in command. Back the fuck up. Sit the fuck down. Calm the fuck down and stay the fuck away from Kaisen Hill before you start a mob war."

"I'm not only telling you this as your friend, but your boss. We're kidnapping Kaisen Hill."

Khari shook his head. "He's right Rhys. Attacking Kaisen will start a war."

"He kidnapped me. Is that going over your heads? He attacked me first."

"You had it coming! You slept with his girlfriend." Sage yelled.

"She came onto me!"

"You still had it coming!" Khari finally raised his voice. "You cannot keep playing victim. Calm the fuck down."

I took a deep breath, pacing the room. "Okay. I won't kidnap him, but I will get revenge for my fucking face." This is why I had these two as my second and third in command. They tell me like it is, not caring that anybody else would be dead the second they spoke to me like that.

"Okay." Khari sighed. "What's the plan?"

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