Chapter 53

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

After a couple of minutes, I rolled off of him and laid beside him. I had zero words to describe what just happened to me right now. I glanced at him while pulling the sheets over our bodies, I rolled onto my stomach to look him in the eye. "That was amazing." I confessed.

He nodded. "It was."

I pecked his shoulder. "You surprised me." I hoped he understood what I was saying. "It's not a bad thing...just curious."

He looked at me. "You liked it though right?"

"The best-it-it..." I needed to breath. How do I explain you rocked my world when it feels like it can barely explain what you felt? I can't explain it. " did it in a unique was magical."

He laughed, pecking my lips. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." He pulled me closer to him. "I missed you." He muttered.

I kissed his shoulder a couple of times. "I missed you too." And I was glad we fixed those differences and we are here together. "Do you need anything?"

" a shower."

I bit my lip, so I was not the only one who wanted to experience what we'd just had again. I wanted to voice it out. "I will go shower then get us some food." I threw my legs off the bed. "Or do you wanna join me in the bathroom?"

"I always want to join you."

"Let's go." I felt my dick twitch from the thought of having him in the shower with me. I turned to him but he wasn't getting up. "Aren't you gonna get up?"

He let out a nervous laugh. "I want to..."

"But you aren't." He wasn't even trying. I moved towards his side. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Go I'll be there in a second." He gave a confident smile.

"Okay." I walked into the bathroom, it had less room than the one I was used to but I also never expected to be using it. I turned the water on and waited for it to get warm. I waited for Rhys but he was nowhere to be seen.

After a few more minutes he slowly walked in the bathroom and leaned on the counter. "This is a nice bathroom." He commented, gripping the countertop so tight that his knuckles turned white.

"Too tiny." I wrapped my arms around his waist while pecking his shoulder. "You're hiding something. What's wrong?" We have just had an intimate moment. Should we be hiding tings right away?

He shook his head. "Nothing. I'm fine." He smiled.

"If you say so." I took his hands from the sink and walked us to the shower. I hesitantly pecked his lips. When his lips stuck out to meet mine I cupped his lips completely and kissed him deeper while turning the shower off. I broke the kiss "Do you- um." Why the fuck can't I say it?

"Want to what?" He smiled evilly, leaning all of his weight onto the wall.

"To do it again." I finally voiced it out, it felt heavy coming from my throat.

He sighed. "It's been too long since I've bottomed and I think I might've over estimated myself." He kissed me. "Be gentle."

"No, let's not do it." Even if I didn't understand what- "You're in pain right now aren't you?" Shit, I forgot all about it. Once you bottom it hurts cause... obviously. "I'm sorry." I am a horrible boyfriend. "Let me take you back to bed."

"I'll be fine." He wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me closer. "I love you."

"I love you but you can barely walk."

He took my dick in his hands and started stroking it. "Fuck me."

I could not say anything after that. I sprinted out of there to get the lube and I was back in seconds. I went to prep him again but he stopped me. I lubed my already twitching dick before carrying Rhys off the ground. His legs wrapped around my waist and I directed my dick right onto his hole.

I slowly pushed in, the feeling alone gave me nostalgia for what happened earlier. With the hotness and tightness, I hugged him tighter. I needed this, I needed him again, and as soon as I was completely in I held the side of his face and kissed him again passionately.

My hips started moving slowly and gradually I would increase. I moaned every time I trusted in I felt like I would fly off the earth at any second. "Fuck."
Our moans filled the bathroom and it felt like we were one. Nothing has ever felt like this before.

I moved even faster to match his demands, my hips moved to exactly what he wanted. Harder and I would move just like that until we both orgasmed into each other's arms.

"Thank you." I peppered his entire face in kisses. He had no idea how much I needed that and to have allowed me even when he was still in pain was everything to be grateful for.

"You're the best." I let us shower and I took him back to bed then ordered us some food. I was starving as well. I changed the wet sheets putting on new ones before resting Rhys back on them again. "How are you feeling?"

"Great." He smiled. "I'm starving."

I pulled the television out. "We never got to watch that cars movie." I searched for it and once I found it I pressed play just as our food arrived. "I stupidly didn't order snacks." I rested everything on the bed.

"We have Chinese food so it's fine."

"I guess so." I got under the duvet as the movie began. I smiled and sometimes laughed when Rhys recited some parts of the movie. "You're a child at heart."

"You'll understand after we watch this movie three times."

"Three times. You rewatch movies?" I can never for the life of me repeat a movie I have ever watched. "And it's still interesting?"

"Yup. I rewatch movies I love. You don't have to rewatch it with me if you don't want to."

"I will try." I love you and the moment would be magical but I know I will end up falling asleep. He just doesn't need to know that. "I understand why you like this movie, it's interesting but Mcqueen is not my favorite car." I added just to rile him up.

"Right!" He said excitedly. "Just wait until the second one. It's hilarious." I don't think he registered what I said because he smiled and continued watch the movie then paused and looked at me. "What did you say?"

"Nothing." I smiled while glancing at the screen. He was so funny.

"No repeat what you said."

"Mcqueen is my favorite car?" I switched my words up a bit.

"Oh okay." He laughed. "Thought I'd have to fight my boyfriend over a movie." He shook his head. "I love you." He pecked my cheek.

I sighed in relief, and almost got caught on that one. We watched the movie and then ended up watching the second one and the third one. Not once did I fall asleep and I know it was because of his silly recites. They made the movie more entertaining and I enjoyed it until the end.

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