Chapter 48

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Rhys pov:

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Rhys pov:

It's been a month and a half since we've heard from Johnathan, Kaisen's dad. It's been almost two months since we've heard from Cheko. Out of damn near no where we get a call saying that Johnathan is back in town.

"What are you going to do?" I asked Kaisen.

"I am going to see him. We need to talk about what he stole from Cheko and why he tried to kill you."

"Invite him over for dinner. I'll cook." I tried not to have any negative feelings about Johnathan because he was my boyfriend's father.

"Here, in your house. You want a man who almost killed you here?" He looked at me as if I was crazy.

I nodded. "He's your dad. I'll be cordial."

"Okay fine." He stood up with the phone I bought him and walked outside of the room. Five minutes later and he came back with a worried look on his face. "He agreed to come, now I'm worried about why he would agree just like that."

I shrugged. "Probably to finish the job himself."

"Don't joke like that when he probably can."

"Probably will." I wasn't joking. I'd probably get killed by my boyfriend's father.

"I will not let that happen, he might be all that but I know he loves me and wouldn't harm me." He wrapped his arms around my waist.

I hummed. "What's his favorite food? I'd atleast like to leave a dying impression."

"He loves steak, rare like real rare but he has not had it ever since he got sick. I don't know if it can be recommended at the moment."

"Rare like bleeding?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"Yes, it's nasty."

"I'd rather die than cook raw meat."

Kaisen laughed. "Cook what you can." He shrugged. "You asked me what he likes and I told you, you don't have to care for him when he almost killed you."

"What else does he like?"

"Fettuccine Alfredo."

"Now I can make that. Let's go grocery shopping." I said excitedly. I love doing simple tasks with him. "I'm going to teach you how to cook as well."

He seemed worried but nodded. We got into my car and I drove us to the grocery store. He took the shopping cart while I started searching for all the ingredients. He started packing up snacks, filling the cart before we got what we came here for.

I looked in the cart. "Really? Dark chocolate?" I shook my head.

"It's great, don't judge."

"I'm judging." I shook my head but added hot chips to the cart although it's not what we came for. "Is that all?" I asked since he has the list.

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