Chapter 5

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

Seeing a bruised Rhys early in the morning at school was a relief in my heart. Yeah, they got him good and not even his shades could hide how fucked up his face was. I just wish they ruined it more than that.

He has no limp and that is a disappointment of some sort. I was about to look away when he lifted his shades looking directly at me. I clicked my tongue while making a gun gesture shooting at him with a wink and a smile out of spite. Bitch.

I walked away with Adam and Jay beside me. "Why did you do that?" Jay asked.                                  

"Because I wanted to." I hummed whilst sliding in a gesture of dancing. I am so happy. I beat up a Delano. He had it coming for fucking my girl.

"Don't you think that will let him know we did it?" I looked at Adam.

"Oh, he knows." I smiled while walking backwards. "Have you seen Cody or James?" I slightly tilted my head when they said no. "Which means he got them and with that look he gave me earlier he knows. I know it's stinging him like a bitch."

"Shouldn't you be worried?" Jay, being the baby he is spoke. I opened the door to the boxing gym where I spend my morning sessions.

"Nah, what is he gonna do? Kidnap me?" I laughed. "I'm Kaisen fucking Hill. He can't do shit." I walked into my lockers and changed into my gym clothes. When I walked out I couldn't see neither Jay nor Adam anywhere. I smiled at Rhys while walking closer. The shades were off now and his bruise shown clearly. I still could not see my friends anywhere. "Good for you to take out the witnesses." I taunted. "Is that how you picked up my girl?"

"No, actually we did it in plain sight." He smiled as if he was recalling the memory.

"Nah, you were both hiding like pussies. Always sneaking around as if you're on a timer. It was obvious she was ashamed of you." I don't make the rules. She showed me around and she sneaked around with him.

He laughed. "Ashamed? No. She decided to do the sneaking around shit because she knows I fuck better than you." He stepped closer.

I laughed even harder. "A woman never hides a man that satisfies her."

"She does when her 'boyfriend's'" he put the word in air quotes like it had no meaning. "Ego is as fragile as glass. She wants me." He looked me up and down. "I'm sure she already told you that though."

"She can have you." I was now face to face with him, riled up but trying to keep it down. "How does it feel picking up my trash?"

"I don't know, how does it feel having the girl you said you loved want me?" He bit his lip. "My dick is better." He stepped closer so we were chest-to-chest as well. "She approached me...she wants me." The look in his eyes showed how amusing he found this.

Before I knew it I punched him square in the face. "You have the nerve to speak to me like that after sleeping with my girl? You lowlife bitch." I was sneering at him. "You lack not only morals but manners and respect. Watch who you're speaking to before you open your mouth again or I will shut it for you."

He punched me in my mouth. "You don't know me Kaisen so stop talking like you do. You're so fucking pussy whipped that you're willing to start a war over a girl who never loved you." He punched me again. "You're fucking pathetic."

I held my mouth that was bleeding now. I inhaled while getting closer to him once again. "You slept with my girl, obviously you lack morals and that speaks volumes about you. You are the desperate loser willing to bed another man's girl."

"Ever thought that maybe you weren't satisfying her? You treat her like an accessory. No wonder she came to me." He smiled. "Pun intended."

Ha...this bitch. "Oh...she didn't come to you because you were anything special. You were just available and available things are always accessories that could be thrown away in a second. Like you." I pushed him and he stumbled back. "Pun intended."

"Is that what she told you?" He smirked. There wasn't a hint of anger in his eyes.

"She doesn't need to." I looked him up and down. "But the way I see're usable but not reusable." I sighed. "I give her a couple weeks and she is done with you."

"The way I see're pathetic and delusional." He smiled. "The big bad Kaisen Hill does nothing but whine about how the love of his life cheated on him and he can't accept it." He pouted mockingly.

Sometimes my anger just snaps. This is one of those moments. I snapped that I punched him, we went to the ground and I kept on punching him even if he put his hands up as a guard. I kept punching down just as hard. He is a fuckin bitch and I will remind him who he is talking to.

He kneed me in the stomach and took my second of weakness as an advantage. He got on top of me and punched me just as hard as I punched him. I used my legs and pushed him away, he fell a few feet from me and just as I was about to attack him again Adam and Jay ran in so did his friends. "Kaisen calm down." Adam spoke while holding me back.

I wasn't fighting them but my glare was on Rhys. "Stay in your lane, you hear me Rhys, stay in your fuckin lane!"

"I'm going to fucking kill him." He practically growled, running towards me but his friend grabbed his shirt. "Sage if you don't let me go right now you're next!" His other friend stood in front of him, blocking me from Rhys line of vision. He pushed Rhys back so that we were a good distance apart.

"Let me go" I growled at them, they shouldn't be holding me. They should be leading that scumbag out of here right fucking now. "Get that scumbag out of my gym before I throw up." I walked away without getting a glimpse at Rhys or his friends.

"Anna will be riding my dick tonight I guarantee!" He yelled as his friends pushed him out of the gym.

"We will see who she will be sleeping will be left with my scraps!!" I yelled back just as the door was banged closed. Adam tried to touch me but I warned him, I was beyond angry that I could snap at any second right now.

I walked back into the lockers and held onto them, trying so hard to not snap. Who does that bitch think he is? Maybe I should go back and punch him so I can show him how to respect me and my name.

I scoffed. Did he just say he is going to sleep with Anna tonight? I would rather die than let that happen. "Get me my phone." I ordered without looking at them. My phone was in my hands within seconds.

I unlocked it sending, Anna a text telling her to come to my house tonight. Now who will you fuck tonight Rhys, cause it won't be my girl. "Are you okay?" Jay spoke.

"I am now." I smiled while looking at them. "I spent my anger out but I have a question, how was he able to snap you two in seconds?" I understood if it was Jay, the guy is as weak as a leaf but I expected Adam to be better than that. We are at the same level of strength, his father made sure of that since he would need it depending on his family and their line of work.

"Man I don't know."

I sighed, this was my bullshit to deal with. "Anyway." I smiled, clearing the awkward air. I tend to get mad over silly situations but I decided to not be over this since something big needed my attention. "Today I am going to be with Anna so that bitch doesn't get to see her." I looked at my phone. "I should prepare a dinner at my place."

"Why are you still...trying to get her?"

"She is my girl." Man Jay never gets it, he is a move-on kind of guy but I hold a grudge. I am Kaisen, if I let things go then it means they weren't that big but this is huge. I will take Anna back and make sure Rhys is left all empty and dry. "And it will stay like that so that bitch learns not to mess with Kaisen Hill."

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