Chapter 67

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

We gave each other five hours to wrap up everything that needed our attention before we made our trip to Greece. Honestly, for me, I had one or two things that needed my attention whereas I was worried about Rhys having to do so much before we departed.

I was done in an hour then parked my things while saying goodbye to my friends who wanted to join but I told them they could only join after I spent a few days with Rhys without any interruptions. I needed some space with him to catch up with everything that we missed these past weeks that I would rather erase from my memory.

About three hours into my waiting Rhys texted me saying that he was done with his packing. I was taken aback but also happy that he managed to get his things together in time so that we could meet up. I rested my suitcase in the car and drove first to pick up the gift I had for him before driving to meet up with him.

He finally exited the house in his entirely black outfit and walked straight into my arms. "Hey." I smiled staring at him straight in the face like I didn't see him only hours ago.

I had to make up for all the days when we were not alright, all the times when I tip-toed, wishing we could get back to moments like these. I was so grateful for this moment that I could hardly explain it.

"Hi." He pulled me closer. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." I whispered back while gently squeezing his butt and giving his lips a peck. "Oh, almost forgot." I put my hand inside the car and pulled out a gift I got for him. "For you." He took it while slightly stepping back, his eyes on it.

He looked at the gift, inspected the black wrapping paper then shook the box. "What is it?" He asked curiously as he continued inspecting it.

"Open it." I knew he was gonna love it. A toy Lightening McQueen car, as soon as I saw it I knew I had to get it for him because he is obsessed with the big one, so why not have a tiny one for inside the house?

He ripped off the wrapping paper and gasped once he saw the car. He didn't even say anything and just pulled me into a breathtaking hug. "Thank you."

I huffed at the force of that hug, I laughed at how happy that small car made him. I never cared much of such things but knowing they make him happy I end up searching about cars all of the sudden and even if I will never tell him that during the time we were apart I watched that movie countless times because it reminded me of him. "You're welcome." I held him tight before letting him go. "Are you gonna test it out now?" I wanted to see if the toy is as fast as the real thing.

"It'll look really childish if I played with it here." He held his head down to hide his red face.

Is he being shy? I pulled him into a hug while lifting his head, surprised with this behavior. "If you don't want to you shouldn't do it. Anywhere you're comfortable." I said with a smile because he looked so cute. I pecked his red cheeks. "Let's go to the airport now."

He put the car in his pocket. "Are we flying private?" He asked, putting his bags into the trunk.

"Yes, always." With me, it is always private, can't deal well with the rules of other planes when I can deal with mine. We both took our seats and I started driving when he took my hand in his the entire way silence engulfed us but it was calm as the city passed by. By the time we got to the airport, it was already dark, I took my things and Rhys took his.

I wrapped my hand around his shoulder walking with him close to me because I wanted some contact with him every second. "This is gonna be our first trip together right?"

"Yup. Are you excited?" He looked at me with a smile.

"It's with you. Of course." Our bags were taken from us as soon as we entered. He took a seat next to mine and our hands were still interlocked. "My friends wanted to join but I told them after a few days. I need some time with you before anyone tried to interrupt us."

He kissed the back of my hand. "That sounds good. You're lucky your friends aren't in your mafia. I left Sage and Khari all responsibilities until I got back."

I pecked his hand back, my dad had it covered and there was no one better than him to do it. "How long can you stay away?" The mafia can't work without him. He is gonna be needed at anytime, business comes in unexpectedly and he is the only boss.

"A month max but I only packed for two weeks." He laughed. "Kind of funny how we got on the plane and never actually talked about how long the trip would be."

"Because anything can happen. We came to have fun as long as we could and not count days. Minutes and seconds matter the most."

"How long can you stay? I know you're not running the mafia anymore you have more free time than I do."

"I made a week reservation but your schedule will tell." We just had to have fun the rest can be dealt with as we go.

The flight was long but we kept on having small talk between us laughing and just plainly teasing each other that time passed by in the blink of an eye.

We landed in Greece and it was around mid-day, the car I had booked was ready for us. I got into the driver's seat but I was already jet-lagged and not ready to see the city for now. "We should go to the hotel, shower, order something, then rest and begin the tour tomorrow, what do you say?"

He yawned, resting his head on my shoulder. "Sounds good. Is a bath fine? I kinda want to soak."

I only smiled, letting him stay where he was until we got to the hotel. I checked in then walked hand in hand into the room throwing our clothes off without unpacking and walked into the bathroom filling it up before soaking with him between my legs.

I sighed, this was almost everything and I couldn't help but feel content at this moment right here. "Have you ever been to Greece before?"

"No this is my first time." He replied, applying shampoo on his hands and lightly scratching my scalp. "It's beautiful though. I'm excited to explore. Have you ever been?"

"A couple of times. On my birthdays."

"What did you do?"

"Ride around, both on water and land, drinking. Had a huge party at the beach...and yeah. It was fun and all but I am also glad to have you here with me this time around."

"That does sound like fun." He rinsed my hair, softly running his fingers through it. "This is a beautiful country, maybe we can go to the beach while we're here. You can also show me some of your favorite spots. I wasn't able to do much research before coming here so it'll be fun." He said as he washed my body gently. I loved this side of him.

"Everything." We stayed in the tub for a few more minutes before getting out when our food arrived. We had dinner while making plans for our trip, checking out places that seemed interesting before calling it a night and falling asleep in each other's arms.

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