Untitled Part 348

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The more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

After all, any normal person knows that this kind of martial arts is very powerful, and they will definitely practice it as soon as they get it. However, Young Master Barun has not practiced it. The only possibility is that he just got it and did not have time to understand it.

Recalling that when Young Master Barron came, the warship was damaged and the energy was low. He looked like he had just experienced a war. It was not difficult to guess that they had just escaped from a secret or forbidden place.

In other words.

This technique should have been obtained by Young Master Barun from this forbidden area.

Perhaps he was extremely happy when he got this technique, but now he has died before he could practice it, and the treasures and martial arts skills he had worked so hard to obtain were all used as a wedding dress for Chu Mo.

"What a great harvest!"

Chu Mo nodded with satisfaction and placed the miraculous treasure that recorded the inheritance of the "Immortal Scripture" in his portable space, preparing to study and practice it carefully later.

After doing this, he set his sights on the second and last magical treasure.

From the outside, it looks like a tortoise shell. It is about the size of a palm. It looks ordinary, but it has some mysterious lines and lines. It exudes a terrifying aura, and the divine light of the Tao is looming, with wisps of golden light. Escape, and even more wisps of aura that does not belong to this era escape.

If you look carefully, you can even find that the surrounding space is distorted, as if it is not allowed by God.

This kind of strange appearance is even more terrifying than the stone tablet that first recorded the "Immortal Scripture".

This made Chu Mo look forward to it even more.

The "Immortal Scripture" is already so powerful, so what kind of terrifying inheritance will this tortoise shell, which is even more powerful than the stone tablet, record?

Thinking like this, Chu Mo focused on it.

A majestic breath suddenly rushed into my mind.

Four big characters suddenly came into my mind——

The Holy Seal that covers the sky!

It is the core secret knowledge of the Zhetian Holy Sect. It is the founder of the sect of the Zhetian Holy Sect. The method of master Zhetian's way of enlightenment can be used to deduce the secrets of heaven, predict bad luck, and even manipulate the long river of destiny. There are unpredictable things. Divine power.

After the old man Zhetian attained Taoism, he founded the Taoist tradition and left behind these unique skills, which later disappeared. Later generations used this technique as the foundation and created a great reputation for a while. Unfortunately, it flourished but declined. The Zhetian Holy Sect was at its peak. At that time, he was suddenly punished by God, and such a large sect disappeared overnight, and has since disappeared in the long river of history.

"Deducing secrets, predicting good and bad luck, and even playing with the flow of time!"

There was a look of shock in Chu Mo's eyes.

As everyone knows.

If you want to interfere with the secrets of heaven, only the God King can do it, and even the God King can only interfere to a certain extent. Strictly speaking, it is the first glimpse of the way to calculate the secrets of heaven.

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