Part 2 - The Choice - Scene 3 - Monday

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Originally written and posted on 2/28/2024 

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Part 2 - The Choice - Scene 3

Jane's heart sank as she discovered her backpack, torn open and discarded in the trash, its contents saturated with stick liquid. With trembling hands, she salvaged what she could–a sticky binder with minimal damage and a single pen. Her pencils lay scattered, snapped in half, one lodged in the side of an overturned soda can. But it was the textbook at the bottom that struck her hardest, warping from the moisture–a costly loss to replace.

Desperation clawed at her as she flipped the textbook over with the pen, praying her wallet, keys, and cell phone were somehow spared beneath it in her purse.


Forcing back the rising panic, Jane lifted the bag, causing the liquid to drain into the trash below. Using the pen, she searched the garbage and sludge near the bottom, but her purse was gone.

Her heart plummeted further at the sight of her midterm paper and other assignments, now crumpled and torn beyond recognition.

Tears welled in her eyes as she opened her binder to find only blank soggy paper. Her birthday money was inside her wallet, which was inside her purse–along with her cell phone and house keys, and now the purse was missing. All of it missing or destroyed.

Jane's vision blurred with tears, her head spinning with anxiety. She could already hear her parents' disappointment, their reproachful reactions etched in her mind. Her father would go red in the face and yell, while her mother shook her head in silent passive aggressiveness. Then they'd making Jane dip into her own savings to replace everything that was ruined or missing.

Blinking away tears with an aggravated sigh, a half-filled fountain drink splashed against the open binder, flipping it closed and sending it tumbling into the trash can.

Laughter echoed around her, but Jane remained frozen, her gaze fixed on the melting ice sliding down the plastic of her binder before disappearing over the edge. When she looked up, the two students responsible were already vanishing down the corridor.

I hate this school.

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