Part 15 - A New Beginning - Scene 1 - Two Years Later

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Originally written and posted on written on 5/17/2024 posted on 5/19/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Scene 1 – A New Beginning - Two Years Later - Edgewood University In North Carolina – 5/17/2024

Eight grand colonial-style mansions lined fraternity row, four on each side, with sprawling green lawns. Each house pulsed with music and lights, their front doors wide open as people flowed in and out, hopping from one party to the next.

Future sorority pledges roamed the sidewalks, dressed in preapproved bikini tops and cutoff shorts, clutching sheets of paper in their hands.

The frat guys, were dressed in comfort, wearing jeans and polos shirts. Some had shirts off, displaying their fraternity's name painted across their chests, while others collected red lipstick kisses. Their pledges, wearing nothing but underwear and bowties, served their brothers like dutiful butlers.

Jane and her roommate had eagerly thrown themselves into sorority rush week at the start of college, hoping to be accepted into the same house. They weren't that lucky, but each got into one of their top three picks and decided to keep sharing their dorm. They hoped to move into their respective sorority houses the following semester or year, eager to experience the sisterhood they'd heard so much about during rush week.

Despite their two houses, Jane and her roommate grew surprisingly close in a short time, bonding over their shared major in criminal justice and their plans to become lawyers.

Tonight marked their first big party of the year, but it was more than that–it was their final test. Each freshmen entering a sorority was given a list of 20 tasks to complete during the party. Every house had its unique list, some aiming for fun, while others crafted theirs with the intent to humiliate. Jane clutched her list, heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves, ready to prove herself.

When Jane arrived at her house meeting earlier that morning, she was handed a sheet of paper and a Polaroid camera. The rules were simple: complete the tasks by the end of the night and earn a spa day with her sisters; fail, and she'd spend the next day cleaning a fraternity house in a maid outfit.

The girls stood under the yellow glow of a streetlight, watching the revelry from a distance. The street buzzed with activity, cars lining either side, and groups of girls darting between the houses. A cluster of girls brushed past Jane and her roommate, rushing toward the first house on the right.

"Where should we start?" Rachel asked, her eyes meeting Jane's.

"We should start at the end and work our way back up the street," Jane suggested, already tipsy in the warm Indian summer night.

"You think we'll complete our lists?" Rachel's voice held a mix of excitement and doubt.

"The probability is decent if we split the tasks between eight houses," Jane said, unfolding her list. She slipped the string of the polaroid camera around her wrist, letting it dangle. In the margin, Jane had penciled in numbers next to each task from easiest to hardest. "Let's knock out the easiest ones first."

Rachel grabbed Jane's list, holding her own next to it.

"You really put thought into this," Rachel said with a laugh. "You are always so organized."

"Let me see yours," Jane said, plucking Rachel's list from her hand. She pulled the pen out of her hair, letting her messy twist fall down in the muggy North Carolina night.

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