Part 14 - The Aftermath - Scene 17 - After The Attack

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Originally written and posted on written on 5/16/2024 posted on 5/19/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Scene 17 – After The Attack– 5/16/2024

Jane's father smashed her cell phone with a hammer out in the garage that night and forced her to watch. They cancelled her phone plan, cutting off any way to contact Cooper or Tyler. They imposed strict parental controls on her laptop which remained permanently in the living room, blocking anything remotely adult-themed. There was no more social media, private emails, or passwords of any kind. Within minutes, Jane lost everything, her privacy, her freedom, and became completely isolated from the outside world.

At that point, Jane stopped caring about anything. She felt like a prisoner in her own home, forced to carry a baby she didn't want, with limited access to anything outside of her house.

Her parents had to find a new church after the video circulated among their peers. No one questions how the video was obtained or how much they watched. Jane, consumed by shame and embarrassment since the video's leak, now felt numb to all of it.

Like her pregnancy, there was nothing she could do to change it, erase it, or start over. 

All of it happened.

All of it was real.

As weeks drifted by in a haze, Jane's days became a monotonous routine. She woke up at 6 am, showered, and put on a different pair of sweatpants and a baggy shirt. Breakfast was with her mom, who now worked from home, unable to trust Jane alone. Her mother monitored every morsel of food Jane ate. Gone were the Pop–Tarts and junk food she once enjoyed. Her mom insisted on a healthy diet to ensure a perfect baby that Jane wouldn't keep and didn't want to meet.

After breakfast, there were four to five hours of online homeschooling, which Jane could finish in two hours if she cared. But she didn't. She grew to hate school. Everything was a repeat of what she'd already learned in public school, and she missed her honors classes, which at least provided a challenge. 

Lunch with her mom followed. They sat at the dining room table in silence, eating the same sandwich every day. After lunch, Jane endured a two-hour religious self-development class meant to "make things right with God," as her mom put it. The class preached abstinence a little too late for herself. Jane, having lost all self-control in her mom's eyes, read the book and did the busy work, but it was all lost on her. She no longer believed in God or had any desire to follow her family's faith the moment she turned 18 and escaped their control.

Jane's parents forced her to carry the baby, a decision that would haunt her for the rest of her life. Her body shifted and stretched, leaving behind tangible reminders of her pregnancy. Stretch marks etched across her hips, and her breasts swelled to almost double their sizes.

Jane crossed paths with another girl in a similar situation. Six months pregnant with a girl she intended to keep, her parents supported her decision, planning a future with the baby's father after high school. Jane had told her parents there is hope for teen mothers, citing the other girl's situation, but her father's muttered skepticism overshadowed her efforts, claiming they'd break up soon after the baby was born.

One sleepless night, when her back pain became too much, Jane wondered the gender of the baby. Would it look more like her or Cooper, or perhaps a perfect blend of both? She pushed the thoughts away as quickly as they came, refusing to let herself grow attached.

The baby growing inside her wasn't hers to claim. Any flicker of positivity toward it had to be stamped down and suppressed. Sleepless nights were the worst. She'd lay in bed and imagine an alternate world. In it, Cooper never left. He stayed, proposing the moment he found out about the baby. She didn't care about a ring or a wedding. All she wanted was him, their baby, and their white picket fence dream. Where they were happy and in love. Just the three of them. And everything was perfect.

Yet, reality crashed back with brutal force. She'd force those painful dreams aside and remind herself that Cooper was gone. Cooper was gone. The baby wasn't hers. She'd regress to the obedient daughter, excelling academically, avoiding conflict, and remain unseen and unheard in the shadows behind the wallflowers. That was where she belonged. That was home.

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