Part 12 - A Love Story - Scene 6 - Thursday

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Originally written and posted on written on 5/1/2024 posted on 5/19/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Scene 6 – Thursday – 5/1/2024

Jane sprinted to the left, darting behind Tyler's car and into the woods, hoping she was headed in the right direction.

Tyler voice echoed after her, taunting, "I wouldn't go that way if I were you. You'll make it far too easy for me."

She didn't look back. She just ran, dodging trees and thick underbrush, desperate to reach the main road. One thought blazed through her mind: Don't stop.

Daylight was fading, casting long shadows among the trees. Jane's shoe caught on something, sending her sprawling. Her palms scraped against the dirt and decaying leaves.

Not far behind, Tyler's voice howled though the forest like the big bad wolf. She was little red, and he was on the hunt.

Jane scrambled herself to her feet, veering to the right, hoping to throw him off. With each passing minute, the light dimmed further.

She skidded to a halt. How could she run in the dark? She pushed forward, arms outreached to feels for tree trunks and low-hanging branches.

A shot rang out. Jane screamed, diiving behind a clump of bushes. She hit the ground hard and rolled down a small embankment.

"Mut?" Tyler's voice was closer now. "I know you're here. I can smell your fear."

She lay still, straining to pinpoint his direction. Then, she rose and jogged along the bottom of the embankment, one hand trailing the slope to keep her balance. Her breath came in ragged gasps, but the forest was eerily silent.

"Jane?" Another vice called out, this one different, familiar–Cooper's.

She froze in the ever-darkening shadows, listening.

Jane wanted to call out to Cooper, to tell him she was lost, but fear kept her silent. She took a few more steps, then froze at the snap of a twig.

"Mutt," Tyler voice was a cruel drawl. "Come out, come out, wherever you are."

"Jane!" Cooper's shout sounded farther away. "Can you hear me? Keep running!"

Tyler laughed, his voice chillingly close. "It's too late, Coop. He isn't going to find you in time."

Jane hesitated, their voices coming from different directions. Which was closer?

She started jogging, then forced herself into a run, needing to put distance between her and Tyler before the darkness swallowed her.

"Jane!" Cooper again, closer now, or so it seemed.

Her heart pounded as she skidded to a halt. "Cooper?" she cried into the encroaching dusk.

"Run!" Cooper voice urged.

Jane moved along the bottom of the embankment, her left hand brushing against the rising ground and foliage. The incline grew steeper, and she struggled upward, gripping rocks, bushes, and tree roots. Halfway up, she slipped, tumbling back down. The slope was too steep.

Desperately, she grabbed anything she could, hauling herself upward. Near the top, a howl echoed above her. She froze, locking her in place. She sank to her knees, leaning into the embankment to stay hidden, her feet slipping, fingers digging into the earth but finding no purchase.

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