Part 14 - The Aftermath - Scene 15 - After The Attack

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Originally written and posted on written on 5/16/2024 posted on 5/19/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Scene 15 – After The Attack– 5/16/2024

That weekend, Jane's parents sat her down, announcing their decision to officially take her out of school and sign her up for homeschool. Jane sat silently on the couch, her hands tangled in her lap, barely paying attention. Her dad's harsh words echoed in her mind, calling her a whore and referring to her baby as a bastard, yet refusing to allow her an abortion.

"Your dad and I came up with a plan to fix everything," her mom said from the chair to Jane's right.

"It's the only way to minimize the damage," her dad added from her left.

"You'll finish the school year doing homeschooling. I found a good program that coincides with our church, so you can make good friends, ones who won't steer you away from God."

Jane leaned her head back against the couch, staring at the ceiling, tears burning behind her eyes.

"I found a great adoption service that will keep things discreet," her mom started.

Jane's face crumbled, her eyes flooding with tears. "I don't want to have it." 

Her mom didn't acknowledge her protest and kept talking as though Jane hadn't spoken. "The agency will let us choose from potential families. They'll cover all your medical costs, so we don't have to worry about money."

"And it'll be a closed adoption," Her dad interjected. "Do you know what that means?"

Jane wiped her face and shook her head.

"You won't have any contact with the baby or the adoptive parents. It'll be like none of this ever happened. You can finish high school and go on to college as planned. Your life will be back on track."

"And if I say no?" Jane finally lifted her head and looked at her father. His mouth was pressed into a firm white line, as though he were trying not to yell.

"You don't have a choice. This is what's happening. We won't put a father on the birth certificate, that way we don't have to deal with his parental rights," her mom said.

"Can I go to my room?" Jane mumbled, desperate to escape. She wanted to bang her head against the wall until she knocked herself out and woke up to find this nightmare over.

"You have an appointment with an OBGYN at 2:30, so you can rest up until then," her mom replied.

Jane struggled to hold back the sob building in her throat. She shook her head nearly choking on the sob she failed to hold back.

Her mom reached out and rubbed Jane's shaking back. "Everything is going to be okay, honey. Once the baby is delivered, we can go back to normal, like this never even happened. We can forget all about it."

Her mom's words cut deeper than she expected. Jane knew she would never forget. Not Cooper or Tyler. Not Brittany and everything she did. Not of her parents' harsh words. And certainly not the baby that could have brought her and Cooper together, making his absence all the more painful.

"It won't be okay," Jane replied, unable to mask the bitterness in her tone. She abruptly stood and retreated to her bedroom. The conversation was over, for now at least.

Jane laid down, immediately reaching for her phone on the nightstand. She pulled up Tyler's number, praying he hadn't changed it. She typed out the only thing she could think: "I'm pregnant. Please tell Cooper."

She hit send, hoping that such monumental news would garner a response. But it reply never came.

Not that day, or the next. Not even the following week. There would be no reply. Like Cooper, Tyler was gone.

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