Part 14 - The Aftermath - Scene 11 - After The Attack

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Originally written and posted on written on 5/16/2024 posted on 5/19/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Scene 11 – After The Attack– 5/16/2024

When Jane woke again, it was dark outside her hospital window. Two cops stood in the room, talking with her mom. Her dad was gone. Jane imagined him at home, removing her bedroom door and nailing the windows shut.

"I want to press charges against the girls who did this. All of them," her mom demanded, she voice trembling with anger. "They beat her unconscious. They should be in jail for attempted murder!"

The male cop tried to calm her down. "Ma'am, we need you to calm down."

"Calm down?" Her mom nearly screeched. "Why is everyone telling me to calm down? My daughter was beaten so badly she ended up in the hospital. This is going to cost us a fortune to fix!"

Jane winched internally, embarrassed by her mom's fixation on money.

"Ma'am, I understand you're upset, but we need to get a statement first and file a report before we can proceed with any charges," the cop explained.

His partner, a woman, noticed Jane was awake and pulled up a chair, offering a warm smile. "Would you like to tell us what happen, Jane?"

Jane glanced at her mom, who still hadn't noticed she was awake, then looked back at the female cop. "Can I–" Jane paused, struggling to swallow the lump in her throat. "Water," she croaked.

The female cop interrupted her mom. "Can we get some water?"

"I'll go try to flag down a nurse," her mom said quickly, moving to the doorway. "Can we get some water? My daughter is awake, and she needs some water. Nurse?" She stepped into the hallway, disappearing from view. Jane flinched as her mom's voice grew louder. "Anyone? Where the hell is everyone?!"

Her mom's voice faded as she went to find someone herself. The female cop turned back to Jane, her expression gentle but focused.

"Do you want to talk to us, Jane?" the female cop asked.

Jane shook her head, her gaze fixed on the hospital door, waiting for her mom to return. She hadn't prepared a story to tell anyone.

"Okay," the female cop said. "We're here to help you. And to do that, we need to know what happened."

Jane tried to swallow, her eyes still glued to the door.

"Your mom should be back any second with some water. We'll need her here since you're underage. So, there's no rush to talk just yet," the female cop reassured her.

The male cop strolled toward the door, glancing out into the hallway before returning to the room.

In the distance, Jane heard her mom's voice. "Where the hell is everyone?"

A door opened somewhere down the hall.

"Nurse! Nurse!" her mom's voice echoed, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps. "My daughter needs water, now."

The male cop moved to the other side of the room. Jane noticed the way his eyes widened, silently communicating a 'you got to be kidding me' look with his partner. It almost made Jane laugh, because he was right.

Seconds later, her mom stormed into the room, muttering to herself. She pulled up a rolling stool and sat beside Jane. "You need to tell them what happened. Give them the names of everyone who did this to you. Your dad is already contacting a lawyer, and we're pressing charges. We'll sue the school, maybe even the district, too."

Jane shook her head, not wanting to deal with it. All she wanted was more pain meds. They numbed her enough to sleep. Right now, she wished she could stay asleep forever and never have to face anything again.

"Tell them, Jane," Her mom pressed.

A nurse Jane didn't recognize entered the room, holding a cup of water in one hand and a cup of ice chips in the other, a forced smile on her face. She handed Jane the water. "Drink it slowly," she cautioned.

Jane brought the cup to her busted lips and winced. She touched them with her fingertips, feeling the swollen upper lip and the split and crusted bottom one. Her mom's words rushed out. "We're taking you out of that school, Jane. You won't ever have to go back there."

Jane took a small drink, some of it spilling down her chin. The chilled water burned her lips, and the fractured teeth throbbed with pain.

The female cop leaned forward. "Now, how about you tell us what happen at school?"

Jane's fingers when back to her lips, over the jagged stumps of what was left of her teeth, then to her bandaged nose and puffy eyes. She could only imagine what she looked like.

But in her mind, she saw only one face, speckled with her blood.

"Brittany," Jane croaked out, struggling to swallow another sip of water. "Brittany Eston."

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