Part 9 - A Love Story - Scene 8 - Monday

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Originally written and posted on written on 4/19/2024 posted on 5/19/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Scene 8 – Monday – 4/19/2024

Cooper stood from the bed, zipping up his jeans and adjusting his belt. Shame and embarrassment surged through Jane's chest. What had just happened? She was lost, unable to process her emotions. Did letting him touch her mean she had consented? She hadn't wanted to have sex with him, but she had asked him to touch her. What did that mean? Was there something wrong with her? Is that why she had willingly come back to the cabin?

Did she want Cooper to hurt her? To rape her?

Tears welled up in her eyes as she sat up. The realization hit her hard–she wanted him to hurt her. The thought was sickening, repulsive. She felt disgusting, twisted, perverted. No cop would ever believe her now. They would all laugh at her. Her parents would have her committed to the psych ward.

Jane sniffled, drawing Cooper's attention. "Whoa. Why are you crying?" He knelt in front of her, gently slipping her feet into the legs of her jeans as if she were incapable of dress herself. The act made her feel even dirtier.

She met his gaze, her bottom lip trembling. "I don't know." It was a lie. She was crying because he had raped her again, and she let happen. Again. There was something deeply wrong with her, and she couldn't comparand any of it. None of it made sense.

She didn't want him to rape her, but if he offered to touch her again, she would let him. She would also let him kiss her the wat he had, a kiss she had never experienced before now.

"It's getting dark." Cooper stood, his hands cupping her face as she looked up at him. "I wish I could keep you here. Have you all to myself." His thumbs brushed away her tears before he dipped his head, capturing her lips with his. "I only want you to cry when I fuck you. No more tears." His hands were off her before he finished the sentence, his tone darkening as if her emotions bothered him. "Get dressed. I'm taking you home." He picked up the knife, slid it into its sheath, and set it back on the bookcase before stepping out onto the porch.

Jane's face crumpled. She gave herself to the count of ten to fall apart. When she reached ten, she wiped her face clean and forced herself to stand. 

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