Part 3 - The Choice - Scene 3 - Tuesday

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Originally written and posted on 3/24/2024 

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Part 3 - The Choice - Scene 3

Jane was in the midst of dropping off her English textbook at her locker when a familiar voice sliced through the air.

"Jane. Harper. Marlow." Brittany drew out each syllable like it a weapon.

Jane took a deep breath, steeling herself against any reaction. They fed off her fear and frustration, but she refused to give them the satisfaction. She had to hurry to her next class.

"Sounds like an old person's name to me," Ashley chimed in, breaking the silence.

In an instant, Jane's head was shoved into her open locker, her cheek scraping against the mental lock. Pain seared through her, bringing tears to her eyes. When she tried to move, a hand gripped the back of her hair, pulling it taught and keeping her still.

"You live at 24079 SW Terrace Drive," Brittany announced with a malicious edge to her tone.

Jane's body tensed. How did Brittany know such personal information? Her missing wallet. She attempted to pull away, but the hand pinned her further inside, her face colliding with the hard edge of her textbooks.

Ashley struggled to contain her laugher. "You're almost a big girl now. Got your learner's permit. What next? Your first kiss? Maybe a boy will ask you to prom and you'll lose your virginity in the back seat?"

Embarrassment flooded Jane's cheeks. Summoning her courage, she pushed back against the hand restraining her, finally breaking free. Slammed the locker shut, she seethed with anger and turned around to face them.

"I think you made her mad, Brittany," Ashley giggled nervously. But when Jane's glossy eyes met hers, the laughter faltered. "It was just a joke, Jane. Lighten up."

"We know where you live," Brittany interjected, stepping closer and pinning Jane against the lockers. "Maybe I'll stop by the next time I'm at Cooper's house. We'll be off-campus grounds, so you can't snitch on us again."

Ice shot through Jane's spine. Was that a threat?

"Here," Ashley offered, holding out Jane's wallet and learner's permit. Jane took them without a word, her main racing with fear and uncertainty.

"Don't worry. I took a picture." Brittany's eyes narrowed. "The next time you think about crying to the school, remember that we know what you live now."

"We took the cash and gift cards inside it. You don't mind, do you, Jane?" Brittany asked, a knowing smirk on her face. "Oh, and before I forget ... Tyler wanted me to give this back to you." Brittany stepped back, reaching into her back pocket. "We left something on there just for you." With a sly grin, she handed Jane her cell phone. Jane contemplated the device in her hand, already assuming it was broken.

A loud howl reverberated down the corridor, breaking the tense silence. Barking mixed with echoing laughter filled the air, drawing everyone's attention. Tyler and Cooper barreled down the hallway, shoving people aside as they made their way towards them.

Tyler charged at Jane, his fist slamming into the locker beside her head, causing her to flinch and yelp before he threw an arm over Ashley's shoulder.

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