Part 6 - The Choice - Scene 4 - Friday

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Originally written and posted on written on 4/3/2024 posted on 5/19/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Scene 4 – Friday – 4/3/2024

When Jane reached the doorway, she found Cooper standing in front of a bookcase to her immediate right. Using his cellphone flashlight to scan the cluttered shelves, he glanced at her. "This is my old man's hunting cabin that he shares with his friends." He set the phone down and pulled a lighter from his back pocket. With a flicking, a flame roared to life. He lifted the glass globe of a lantern and lit it, adjusting the flame until the room brightened with warm golden light.

Cooper passed Jane in the doorway and headed to a makeshift kitchen. "Need to find the candles before it gets too dark." He set the lantern on a small wooden dining table with two rusted metal folding chairs on either side, the fabric covering the seats and back frayed.

He rummaged through the few cabinets and cupboards lining the left side wall, except for where red drapes presumably covered another window. A camping stove sat closed on the long countertop. There was no a sink or fridge. Two more sections of the back wall were also covered with red drapes.

"Found them." Cooper pulled out a stash of mismatched candles, lighting each one before setting them around the room. Soft light illuminated the shadows, making the space feel more inviting, even safe.

Jane hesitated in the doorway, watching him. The golden glow of the lantern and the flickering candlelight cast a warm, almost intimate ambiance over the rough interior. She stepped inside.

A full-sized bed was shoved into the far back corner on the right, its ancient metal frame made up of brass knobs and dark wrought iron poles twisted into an odd-looking headboard that seemed out of place. Next to it was a wide red brick fireplace, its mouth blackened with soot.

On the other side, lining the front of the cabin, were more red drapes. Underneath a window was an old, saggy plaid couch. In front of it lay a big oval rug, worn and stained, with a scared coffee table in the center. Wedged between the couch and front door was a tall brown bookcase, cluttered with dusty paperbacks, old boxes of ammo, an open deck of playing cards, a few board games stacked on top, and other odds and ends she couldn't quiet place. The handle of a large hunting knife, tucked in a sheath, sat next to the books. She scanned a few titles, finding them decades old.

Jane realized the entire cabin felt like a time capsule, frozen in the 1970s or 80's. Everything was either old and frayed or covered in dust and cobwebs.

Cooper's voice broke through her thoughts. "It's not much, but it's secluded." He set the last candle on the mantel about the fireplace, its flickering flame casting long shadows across the room.

Jane took a deep breath, the scent of old wood and candle wax enveloping her. She picked up a book and blew dust from its cover: Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard. Next to it was another by the same author, Battlefield Earth. She'd never heard of either.

Cooper noticed her interest and moved to her side, his arm brushing against hers. With a chuckle, he said, "My dad and his friends are into some weird shit." He picked up Dianetics. "This guy started his own religion. Scientology, or something like that." He tossed the book back on the shelf.

Jane picked up another book, one she recognized.

Cooper shifted closer, positioning himself behind her, his front pressed against her back. His body radiated warm in the chill of the room.

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