Part 11 - A Love Story - Scene 1 - Wednesday

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Originally written and posted on written on 4/29/2024 posted on 5/19/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Scene 1 – Wednesday – 4/29/2024

Jane stepped off the school bus, the crisp air biting through her knee-length skit. Cooper had insisted she wear something shorter, and now she cursed herself for listening to him. Hugging her hoodie sleeves and balling the ends in her hands, she hurried into the school building, the cold settling into her bones.

Throughout the morning, Jane scanned the hallways for Cooper and his friends, but they were nowhere to be found. Pulling her gym clothes from her locker, she waited for the familiar taunts, Tyler's mocking laughter as he came running down the corridor, but the area remained eerily calm. She took her time, swapping out binders and textbooks, stalling, expecting the worst. When the morning bell finally rang, she was still alone, safe for now.

A sickening thought crossed her mind–they could be dead, overturned in a flooded ditch. Shaking her head, she forced the morbid thought away. They were just late. Not dead. Just late.

Jane shivered, shutting her locker and heading to her first period class. It wasn't until halfway through her second period that her phone buzzed. Cooper had finally texted back. Relied washed over her; he wasn't dead. But as she opened the message, her heart sank.

Cooper: "Go to the bathroom, take your underwear off, and leave it inside my locker."

A frown creased her brow as another message followed.

Cooper: "Locker number 352. Combo 8, 20, 14."

Jane's fingers flew over the keys.

Jane: "Are you okay? What happened last night?"

Cooper's response was cold and direct.

Cooper: "Don't worry about it. Just do it."

Jane's stomach churned. She didn't want to do it. She would never do something like that, ever. Last night's phone call had proved Cooper was still with Brittany and friends with Tyler. Things weren't adding up.

Anxiety gnawed at her. Something felt off.

Jane: "Is this really you?"

She stared at the screen, waiting for a response, her heart pounding. Minutes passed, each one dragging on interminably. Then the three dots appeared, showing someone was typing. Seconds later, a new message popped up.

Cooper: "Do it. Now."

Jane's frown deepened. It didn't sound like Cooper; he wouldn't be this terse. Or would he? Brittany had once said he thought Jane was pathetic. It had to be a trap, a sick prank to humiliate her. She wasn't falling for it. She quickly typed her two letter reply.

Jane: "No."

She slipped the phone into her backpack, her mind racing. This probably wasn't even Cooper's locker or his message. What if it was Tyler? Or worse, Brittany? What would they gain from this? Jane regretted wearing the shorter skirt. He'd spot her in the hallway or the main corridors or even the stairwell and know how cold she must be. Now she felt like an idiot, and her legs were freezing. Embarrassment set in, her cheeks flushing.

A few classmates had already asked if she was cold, and she had lied, shaking her head no. Now she regretted every decision she'd made since stepping off the bus. She had to find Cooper and figure out what was really going on.

When Jane looked up, her teacher was staring at her. "No phones in class, Jane." Her cheeks flooded with warmth. "Don't let me see it out again. Okay?"

Jane nodded, trying to focus on her work, but the feeling of eyes on her was overwhelming. How big was this "joke," and how many people were in on it? The heat in her cheeks spread down her neck and across her chest.

She glanced up again and found her teacher still watching at her. "Jane, I'd like to talk to you after class."

The class erupted int whispers and giggles, with a few students near the back letting out mocking "ohs.". Jane never got into trouble at school, and she rarely used her phone in class since she had no one to talk to.

It was clear that Cooper was changing her little by little, and a part of her feared it wasn't for the better. 

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