Part 11 - A Love Story - Scene 3 - Wednesday

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Originally written and posted on written on 4/30/2024 posted on 5/19/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Scene 3 – Wednesday – 4/30/2024

Jane headed down to the out-of-order bathroom to eat her lunch in peace. Padding the main exit doors, she had to resist the urge to walk out of school entirely and go home. But as she existed the stairwell and reached the floor, she saw Cooper coming from the opposite direction. His eyes locked onto, hers and his steps quickened.

Jane froze for a second before anger filled her chest. She turned to head to her next class, deciding to skip lunch altogether. She wasn't hungry, and she was done with whatever game Cooper was playing at her expense.

"Jane, stop!" Cooper's words cut through the nearly empty corridor, making her halt. She didn't turn to face him, thought, balling the fabric of her hoodie's sleeves in her hands.

Suddenly, Cooper's hand gripped her upper arm painfully tight as he almost dragged her toward the out-of-order bathroom she had been heading to. The few students around glanced their way but kept it moving, not wanting to get involved.

"Cooper–" Jane tried to pull her arm free, but he only tightened his hold.

"Shut up," he spat, his voice dripping with anger that Jane didn't understand.

When they reached the bathroom, Cooper shoved her inside and slapped another out-of-order sign on the door, locking it behind them.

He released her, and she stumbled forward, crashing into the nearest sink. Her binder hit the floor, sending loose leaf paper fanning out across the tiles. Jane glared back at him, taking in his black eye and puffy lips.

Her anger diminished to almost nothing. She stepped over her scattered notes and homework, her backpack slipping from her shoulders as she approached him. "What–"

Cooper smacked her hard across the face, then grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the tiled wall. His fingers tightened, digging into her neck. "Why didn't you listen?"

Jane's mind raced, her heart pounding as she struggled to breathe. She tried to speak, but his grip was too tight. Fear and confusion warred within her as she stared into his enraged eyes, searching for any hint of the boy she had hoped he might be.

She grabbed at his hand, trying to pry it from her throat, and pushed at his chest as tears filled her eyes. She couldn't breathe. Her vision dimmed around the edges until all she could see was Cooper's face, his features twisted into a mask of pure rage.

"You were supposed to leave them in the locker, and you didn't do it." His face came so close to hers that she could smell the smoke on his breath. "Why? You just had to do that one thing for me and you could do it."

Jane's face was turning red, the heat and pressure rising with every second.

"I need you to give them to me now." Cooper released her, and Jane immediately started coughing, struggling to suck in a full breath. Her eyes flooded with tears as genuine terror filled her. She tried to blink away the spots dancing in front of her eyes, but they remained, shimmering. "Hand them over. Don't make this harder than it needs to be."

Jane glared up at him before smacking him as hard as she could. Her eyes widening at the mistake.

Cooper rushed her, fisting his hands in the front of her hoodie and walking her backward. slamming her against the mirror. Her back was pinned over the counter sink. "Do it or I'll let Tyler take you to the cabin and he'll hurt you far worse than I ever could."

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