Part 6 - The Choice - Scene 2 - Friday

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Originally written and posted on written on 4/3/2024 posted on 5/19/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Scene 2 – Friday – 4/3/2024

When the final bell rang, Jane cut across the quad and slipped out the back exist that led to the football field and bleachers. She scanned the area quickly as she rounded the bleachers, but Cooper was nowhere in sight. Climbing the stairs, she took her usual seat, watching students trickle towards the off-street parking.

The distance the sounds of cars and busses leaving the parking lot filled the air, her bus among them. A nervous energy settled deep in her chest as the minutes ticked by. The football field and the street beyond soon grew vacant, and the campus buzz faded into a quiet, lazy lull.

Jane shivered, folding her bare arms across her middle and leaning forward to warm herself. Her hoodie was stuffed in her backpack, still damp from a failed attempt to clean it in the bathroom sink. She had wrung the sleeves out at much as she could, but the lingering dampness only made her colder.

She gave in, unzipping her backpack and pulling out the damp hoodie. Shivering, she pulled it on, ignoring the cold, clammy sleeves. Balling the ends of the sleeves into her hands, she crossed her arms, trying to stifle another shiver.

Doubt gnawed at her. Cooper wasn't coming. She'd been foolish to think otherwise–it was all a cruel joke. With her buss gone, she'd have to walk home in the cold. Staring bitterly at her shoes, her eyes brimmed with tears. Shamed and fear washed over her.

She slipped her phone from her backpack to check the time. Nearly 3 pm. She had been waiting almost 45 minutes, and it was only getting colder. A missed text caught her eye. She opened it–her mom.

Mom: May have to extend the trip. Will know more later. Your Grandpa isn't doing well.

Jane: Okay.

She typed, "Can I fly out there to be with everyone?" then deleted it, knowing her mom would worry and never leave her alone again.

Instead, she went the generic route.

Jane: Keep me posted. Walking to the bookstore.

Her mom would believe that lie since Jane often visited the bookstore. Moments later, her phone flashed–still on silent.

Mom: Drive your father's car. The weather app says it's going to rain.

Jane: It's fine. Say hi to grandpa for me.

She sighed, slipping the phone back into her backpack. The chill deepened, mirroring the emptiness she felt inside.

Using her sleeves, Jane swiped at her cheeks, laughing bitterly at how lonely being alone truly felt. Anger settled in soon after. She gathered her things, convinced this was Cooper's pay back for her not picking up the phone the night before. He was still punishing her.

Just as she started down the bleacher steps, Cooper rounded the corner at a jog, skidding to a halt, his hand gripping the railing, eyes locked on hers.

"You're still here. I thought you'd be gone by now." Cooper huffed out a laugh, drawing himself to his full height. "You waited." His almost shocked expression was hard to miss.

Jane reached the bottom of the stairs, her eyes never leaving him. He closed the distance, his hands gripping her upper arms. "You still want to go?"

Jane searched his face for a long moment, suppressing her negative feelings before nodding, unwilling to say the word 'yes.'

Cooper glanced around nervously, as if worried about being seen. Then he held out his hand. "Come. I parked somewhere different."

When Jane hesitated, he grabbed her hand. "We need to go quick. Before it gets dark." He pulled her along, setting a brisk pace.

Jane struggled to keep up, already winded. Cooper led her across the football field to the sidewalk beyond the other set of bleachers. He slowed to a walk, releasing her hand to point ahead. "I'm parked up there."

Jane spotted his car down the street, the only one parked near the tree line bordering the running trail and public park that separated the high school from the middle school.

Cooper climbed into the driver's seat and leaned over to unlock the passenger door. Jane pulled at the handle, pausing to look back at the school. Anxiety gnawed at her; something didn't feel right. But she didn't want to chicken out and look like an even bigger loser. A pathetic child who was afraid of her own shadow.

Worrying her lip, she slipped off her backpack and got in.

We Were Once Wallflowers Part: One - An Extreme Dark Bully RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now