Part 9 - A Love Story - Scene 5 - Monday

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Originally written and posted on written on 4/17/2024 posted on 5/19/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Scene 5 – Monday – 4/17/2024

Jane's hands clutched the bars as she struggled to stifle her sob. Each breath she took was punctuated by another tearful cry, the sound echoing in the dim room.

While she tried to regain control, Cooper's thumb traced her slit with slow, deliberate strokes, attempting to soothe her. As her sobs dwindled to quiet sniffles, he found her entrance and eased into her. "Look at me." Cooper commanded, his thumb pressing deeper, circling inside her. "And nowhere else."

Jane forced her eyes open, fresh tears blurring her vision. She blinked rapidly, focusing on steadying her breathing.

"Feel what I'm doing," Cooper said, withdrawing his thumb to tease her clit, making her hips jerk involuntarily. "Is it too much?"

Jane shook her head, denying the truth. The pleasure had morphed into a burning pain, her body struggling to process the sensation.

"Maybe this will make you come." He murmured, his thumb slipping back inside her, then retreating. "Or maybe with this." Something harder replaced it, pushing into her with force.

Without warning, he slammed it into her. A startled scream tore from Jane's throat, the burning pain searing through her. Her hands flew from the bars to between her legs, fearing he had used blade of knife. Sharp pain sliced into the side of her hand.

"Damn it, you weren't supposed to move!" Cooper snapped, his voice tinged with panic. "Jane, you cut your hand."

Jane moved to sit up, catching sight of Cooper withdrawing the knife handle from her body. The burning sensation eased, but her eyes widened at the sight of the thick, ridged handle. It was far larger than Cooper's dick, and she struggled to understand how it had fit inside her.

"Lay down," Cooper ordered, pushing her back against the mattress and straddling her hips. "You're bleeding all over the place."

Jane lifted her hand, watching the steady flow of red drip down and splatter onto her hoodie. Cooper grabbed a dirty pillowcase, tearing off a long strip and wrapping it around her hand. He tied the ends tightly and applied pressure to the cut. "That wasn't supposed to happen," he muttered, his tone shifting from anger to concern. "You were supposed to keep your hands on the bars. Now you hurt yourself."

Cooper inspected the bandage, grinning when no red soaked through. "I don't think it's bad enough for stitches." He leaned over her, guiding her hands back to the bars. He circled his fingers around hers, holding them firmly. "Keep them here, or I'll tie you to the bars." His grip tightened, and despite the throbbing from the earlier intrusion, Jane felt that familiar heat settling in her stomach.

Jane stared up at him, her gaze dropping to his mouth.

"Do you want me to kiss you?" Cooper asked. Jane's eyes snapped back to his, and she nodded. "I can do that." He lowered his mouth to hers, brushing her lips with a gentle, fleeting kiss. The touched was so light and brief that she thought he was teasing her. She wanted more.

"Do you like it when I kiss you?" Cooper asked, his voice a whisper.

Jane responded by pressing her mouth harder against his, seeking more than the light kiss he offered.

Cooper pulled back with a soft laugh. "I'm gonna have to teach you how to kiss, aren't I?"

Jane nodded, brushing her lips against his in small, languid touches. She kissed one corner of his mouth, then the other, before pressing her lips to his again, her eyes fluttering shut.

"What am I going to do with you, Janey?" he whispered against her mouth. "I want to hurt you again." His grip on her hands tightened. "Rape you like the first time I had you. When cried and begged for me to stop." His tongue flicked across her bottom lip. "It's getting harder to hold back."

Jane searched his eyes, confusion knitting her brow. He spoke of wanting to hurt her, but his eyes held a different emotion. She didn't understand. How was she supposed to answer that? She nodded slightly.

"Can I rape you?" Cooper asked. Jane shook her head. She didn't want rape; she wanted him make her feel good, experience something different from the pain. Yet at small part of her wanted him to take from her whatever he wanted.

"I shouldn't be asking your permission," he mused, sliding his hands from hers as he sat up. "It ruins the meaning."

He nodded to himself and settled back on his knees. "I think I'm ready to rape you. When we're done, I can teach you how to kiss."

Jane shook her head again, her frown deepening as she tried to sit up.

He pushed her back down against the mattress, leaning his weight on his hands. "I'm going to hurt you, Janey, because I can't hurt Brittany."

Jane's lip trembled, her breath coming in short, panicked bursts under his weight.

"You can cry," he continued. "I want you to. Beg me to stop, scream out your pain. No one will hear you." He pressed harder against her chest until her hands slipped from the bars and slapped at his arm, his chest, his neck, his face, as hers own turned red from the struggle to breath. "I'm going to hurt you the way I can't to hurt Brittany. And all I want from you is to hear you moan my name if you come."

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