Part 12 - A Love Story - Scene 27 - Thursday

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Originally written and posted on written on 5/12/2024 posted on 5/19/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Scene 27 – Thursday – 5/12/2024

It was almost midnight, and Cooper still hadn't called. Jane had showered as soon as she got home, carefully changing her bandages. When she first saw her cuts in the mirror, she froze– not from fear, but from a strange sense of pride. She hoped they'd scar, becoming a permeant brand. There was a sense of belonging in those painful lines.

"I'm theirs," Jane had whispered to herself in the bathroom. Her fingers tracing the almost cross-like "T" and laughing at the crooked "C". Tyler had been right; it did look like a crooked box missing its lid. She had bled for them, and they had marked her as their own. She smiled, but a part of her craved more. She worried she had become addicted to their pain.

Now, Jane lay in bed, blankets pulled up to her chin, staring at the ceiling. She was sore, but she welcomed the sensation as a reminder of their night together–something special shared just between the three of them.

Her cell phone lit up on the nightstand. Jane answered it without checking the caller ID.

Heavy breathing came from the other end. "Cooper," she whispered.

"Come with me, Janey," Cooper moaned. "Touch yourself."

Jane rolled onto her back, slipping a hand beneath her underwear. Her fingers found her clit, which was so sore and hypersensitive that the pleasure almost turned to pain.

"Are you rubbing yourself?"

"Yes," Jane breathed, closing her eyes and listening to him moan in her ear. "Cooper ..." she moaned after a minute.

"I'm here," Cooper rushed out. "I'll always be here, Janey."

Jane moaned again, the same words she'd said to him in the car echoing in her mind. "I'm yours?" she asked, testing the waters.

"Always." Cooper's breath quickened, his voice growing harsher. He was close. "Janey–" another long moan escaped him. "I want you. I want to be with you. You're all I think about."

Jane focused on his breathing as her fingers moved faster, pushing her to the brink.

"Come with me," he panted. "Listen to my voice."

"Yes ..." Jane quickened her fingers, mimicking mind-numbing rhythm of Cooper's hand from earlier that night. Within seconds, she came, her final moan caught in her throat as her heels dug into her mattress.

Moments later, Cooper groaned through his own release. "Shit." He gulped air, moaning again. "Oh god, Janey. Fuck!"

They slowly came down from their high, the silence filled only by their breathing over the phone.

When Cooper's breathing steadied, he said, "I wish you were here with me."

"Would you fuck me?" Jane asked, her fingers still gliding through the wetness between her legs, making her hips jerk when she brushed her sensitive clit.

"I'd make love to you," he replied.

"Love?" Jane repeated, a smile spreading across her lips.

Cooper chuckled softly. "Normal sex, Jane. It'd be slow–"

"Gentle," Jane added.

"Yes ... gentle," Cooper agreed.

"No pain?" Jane asked.

"None," Cooper said. "I'd kiss every inch of you, and when I'd fuck you, I'd–"

"Cum in me?" Jane finished.

"Every fucking time. Whatever you want, I'll do it," Cooper rushed out, and part of her wanted to tell him to come over now and do it.

Instead, Jane said, "Tomorrow?"

"Yes," Cooper said. "Let me love you tomorrow."

"I'd like that," Jane said.

Cooper grew quiet. The silence stretched between them.

"I like you, Janey," he finally said, his breath still heavy. "I think I really fucking do." There was something different in his tone, something she recognized from their car ride home. That same sad desperation.

"I think I like you too, Cooper," Jane whispered.

Another long stretch silence followed. Jane could swear she heard Cooper sniffle on the other end. When he spoke again, his voice shook. "I don't want this to end." It sounded more like he was talking to himself than to her. "I was finally fucking happy." His voice hitched as he started to cry.

"Cooper?" Jane asked, sitting up in bed. What–"

But Cooper cut her off. "Shit, Janey." He struggled to talk through his tears, rushing out his words. "I never should have pulled you into this mess. I fucked everything up for us. I shouldn't even be saying any of this right now." There was desperation in his tone, something urgent and needy. "You need to know that I like you. I do. No matter what happens, you have to believe that."

Jane frowned. "I don't under–"

"I'm sorry for everything I've ever done or said to you," he continued without pause. "I don't want to lose you."

"Coop–" Jane started, but Cooper hung up. She tried calling him back, but it went to voicemail. She texting him, asking if he was okay and to please call her back, but there was no response.

She settled back on the bed, her phone resting on her chest as she typed out another text. She told him to come over, that she didn't care what was going on, that whatever it was didn't matter, and that she was worried about his safety. Her thumb hovered over the send button, but then she held the backspace until her words disappeared. She slid her phone onto the nightstand and forced herself to go to sleep. Her mind raced with self-doubt. Did he regret bringing her to the cabin, or did he regret ever being with her at all? The uncertainty made her sick with worry.

Jane rethought everything that had happened between them. Was this about Brittany? Or was it about her asking him to leave Brittany and be with her? She stared at her phone well into the night, overthinking and worrying. She couldn't help it.

Eventually, sleep overtook her. In her dreams,Brittany showed up at the cabin and cut Jane's head off with Cooper's huntingknife. Cooper and Tyler watched as Jane screamed, Brittany sawing into herneck, slashing skin and muscle. Her screaming didn't stop until Brittany severedher throat deep enough that only the gurgling of her drowning 

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