Part 10 - A Love Story - Scene 1 - Tuesday

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Originally written and posted on written on 4/22/2024 posted on 5/19/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Scene 1 – Tuesday – 4/22/2024

Jane stood at her locker, swapping textbooks and binders for her next class. She was exhausted and wished to day would end sooner rather than later.

The familiar, tension–inducing howl of Tyler echoed down the corridor, making Jane glance from behind the locker door. Tyler was at the far end, high–fiving friends and shoving aside anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path. Jane's fingers tighten around the metal door. Just the sound of his voice set her on edge.

She forced herself to look away, hoping that if she didn't draw his attention, she would blend into the sea of students milling about.

Tyler punched one of his friends shoulders, and the two started to roughhouse, drawing the attention of curious onlookers. Moments later, Tyler had his friend in a headlock. The other student's face reddening, as he struggled to break free, frantically slapping at Tyler's arm until he was released.

As the student slipped free, he rubbed his neck and coughed out, "One of these days, you're gonna kill me." He coughed again before adding, "Watch your back, man."

Tyler laughed. "You owe be a Coke, fucker." He merged into the flow of moving bodies. "And don't make me hunt you down at lunch," he yelled back, slapping a notebook out of someone's hand and shoving them aside. His laugh echoed louder than the chaos in the hallway.

Suddenly, Cooper appeared at Tyler's side, pushing him into the lockers with a laugh. Tyler, never missing a beat, shoved Cooper right back. The two laughed, oblivious to Jane watching them.

She scanned the aera, expecting to see Brittany and Ashley nearby. Their absence was unusual; the girls were always draped over the boys before class. Something felt off. Jane's paranoia spiked, knowing Brittany has suspicions about the bathroom incident.

A movement beside her made her tense. "Word on the street is you broke up Cooper and Brittany. Is that true?" Ashley asked, her voice confirming Jane's worst fears.

Jane almost slammed her locker door shut as she turned, her backpack slipping to the ground.

Ashley leaned against the lockers, arms folded and a phony smile on her face.

Jane shook her head, eyes darting around as she still searched for Brittany.

"She ditched. Got her period or something," Ashley said, brushing it off with a flick of her hand. "But I think she's faking it. She and Coop got into it last night. She punched him pretty good ..." Ashley trailed off, watching Jane's reaction. Jane remained stoic. "...but then Coop hit her back, made everything worse. Tears were shed. Threats were made. You know how it goes. Toxic love and all that." Ashley rambled on, her eyes never leaving Jane's. "So, do you want to know what they fought about?" she asked, her smile returning.

Jane shook her head, not wanting to get involved more than she already was.

"Well, I'll tell you anyway. Just between us girls, right?" Ashley straighten, stepping closer to Jane and lowering her voice. "They fought over you. Little Jane Marlow." Her eyes locked onto Jane's. "Well, not technically you, but a key that apparently belongs to you. So, is it true?"

Jane turned, stepping in the opposite direction she needed to go, and ran right into Tyler's chest. He stared down at her, Cooper by his side.

Jane stood frozen, unable to look away from Tyler's intense gaze, a slow smile pulling at his lips. His tone dropped. "Where you running off to, Mutt?" He glanced at Cooper, and whatever hold he had on her dissipated.

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