Part 9 - A Love Story - Scene 6 - Monday

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Originally written and posted on written on 4/18/2024 posted on 5/19/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Scene 6 – Monday – 4/18/2024

Jane released the bars and covered her face with trembling hands. Tears streamed from the corners of her eyes, driven by a rising tide of fear. She whispered, "No," her lower lip quivering.

Cooper's voice was steady and unyielding. "Put your hands back on the bars or I'll have to cut you."

The threat only intensified her sobs. She tried to turn away, but he stradded her hips, holding her in place.

"I'll give you to the count of three. One ... two ..."

With a shuddering breath, Jane lowered her hands from her face, wiping away the tears before gripping the bars above her head again. She glared up at him, her chin trembling.

"Place them further apart," he commanded, his gaze flickering to her hands.

Jane complied, spreading her hands wider.

Cooper adjusted his position, nudging her legs apart to kneel between them. His tongue flicked across his bottom lip as his eyes fixed on the bloodstained fabric between her thighs. "Now bring your knees up a little," he instructed, his hands sliding down her thighs, his fingers hooking behind her knees.

With a gentle push, Jane raised her knees, her hips shifting closer to the bed's center.

"Yes, just like that, Janey," he murmured, his gaze locking with hers. "You're doing good. Keep listening to everything I say. I'm going to have to hurt you now. Are you ready?"

Jane squeezed her eyes shut, tears spilling over as she nodded.

His hands moved up her inner thighs, pressing them further apart, exposing her completely. "Now open your eyes and don't look away from me. I want to see your pain."

A panic sob escaped her chest. She tried to nod, but her eyes stayed shut, her body rigid. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as the blade pressed into her inner thigh and dragged across her skin.

"Open your eyes, or I'll do it again." His voice was cold, and the sound of his buckle being undone sent a chill through her. Then came the click of a button and the slide of a zipper. That strange sensation returned deep inside her.

Jane's eyes flew open. She watched as he freed himself from his jeans and boxers, yanking his clothes down to mid-thigh. The sight of him stroking himself made her draw her legs up higher. He smirked at her reaction.

A low moan escaped his lips as he pushed his pants further down and positioned himself between her legs.

"I want your underwear to stay on this time. I want my cum soaking it." His voice strained with need. With one hand braced above her, he pushed her underwear to the side and dragged the head of his cock along her slit. "You're so fucking wet for me, Janey." He nestled at her entrance, pressing lightly before growling, "Now cry for me."

He rammed into her, eliciting a gasp from Jane. Her fingers tightened around the bars, her arms straining to pull herself away from his relentless thrusts.

"Look at me!" Cooper demanded, pulling out only to slam back into her harder.

Jane fixed her eyes on him, her mouth opened in a shaky breath. Tears slipped from the corners of her eyes, trailing down her temples and into her hair. The pain between her legs was different from the first time–less intense but still excruciating due to his sheer size. His movements were harsh and fast, but the pain of his invasion was bearable.

Jane gripped the bars, her knuckles white, her body jerking beneath him. Her tears flowed silently now.

Cooper was the first to break eye contact, lifting himself to watch as he drove into her again and again. "Fuck." The word came out, hushed and ragged, mingling with a moan as he looked back down at her. "You feel so fucking good." His mouth trembled, almost breaking into a laugh.

Jane remained quiet under his assault, but a strange burning sensation surged within her, growing more intense as his fingers closed around her throat. Her air was cut off, her lungs burned, and her face flushed. Still, her grip on the bars remained firm.

Cooper spat in her face, his features twisting into a mask of hatred. He shifted his weight to the hand around her neck, pressing harder. Jane's vision began to darken, a tunnel stretching out before her as each second passed.

In a desperate bid for survival, Jane's hands slipped from the bars. She pushed against his chest, trying to gasp for air. He smacked her hard, her cheek burning almost as much at her lungs burned.

The tunnel seemed to stretch endlessly, Cooper's face blurring into a maddened grin. Dots flashed before her eyes as her arms dropped limply to her sides, the tunnel closing in.

Suddenly, Cooper's weight shifted. His hands gripped the undersides of her upper arms just as Jane gasped, filling her lungs with air. Her head pounded, and her chest burned. She started to cough, her head falling to the side.

"Janey ..." Cooper moaned her name, but he felt miles away. "Look at me," he panted.

Jane dragged her gaze to his, blinking back tears. His ragged breath fanned across her face. His fingers tightened over her arms as his hips picked up tempo. Instead of deep, body-shaking thrusts, his movements became quick and erratic, grinding against her sporadically as he began to lose control.

Another moan tore from his throat. "I'm so close ..." He glanced down, watching himself sink into her over and over.

Jane closed her eyes, listening to his heavy breathing and moans. It reminded her of his phone calls, the same desperate need in his voice. The sensation inside her ignited, flooding heat to her core. When she opened her eyes, a tiny moan escaped her lips along with a name. "Cooper ...."

"Oh fuck!" Cooper's body went ridged above her, his eyes squeezing shut as his orgasm tore through him. His quick thrusts slowed to a rhythmic grind, drawing out his pleasure and filling her with his release.

As his body came to rest over hers, his hands guided hers back around the bars. He mumbled something against her ear. "You moaned my name."

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