Part 14 - The Aftermath - Scene 9 - After The Attack

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Originally written and posted on written on 5/16/2024 posted on 5/19/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Scene 9 – After The Attack– 5/16/2024

Jane woke up in the hospital, disoriented and aching. Pain surged through her with every slight movement or breath, amplified by the relentless beeping of nearby machines. She groaned, the noise and pain intertwining in her mind.

"She's awake!" Her mom's voice pierced through the fog, and she rushed to Jane's side. "You're okay, honey. Everything's going to be fine."

Jane scrunched her face, attempting to shift but failing. "Hurts," she mumbled.

"Don't move. I'll get a nurse." Her mom's footsteps echoed as she hurried out. "Can we get a nurse or doctor in here? My daughter just woke up!" The impatience in her voice was palpable. "Somebody? Anybody?"

Jane tried turning her neck, but the pain intensified, something stiff preventing her movement. Suddenly, her mom was back, and someone was gently touching her face, brushing hair aside to check her eyes with a light.

"Hi, Jane. I'm Doctor Martin. You're at St. Peters Regional Hospital. I heard you were in a fight at school. Is that what happened?"

"A group of girls attacked her in the bathroom," her mom interjected.

"How are you feeling, Jane?" the doctor asked, his voice steady.

"Hurts," Jane whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Can someone get her some morphine or something?" her mom demanded, frustration seeping into her tone.

"There's another hour until her next dose," the doctor replied after a pause.

"But she's in pain! That's ridiculous. There must be something you can give her," her mom argued.

Jane tried to tell her mom to stop, but her body protested. Every movement magnified her agony.

"Sorry, that's hospital policy, ma'am," the doctor said.

"Are the police here yet? I want to press charges against every one of those girls," her mom said, her agitation growing.

"I don't know, ma'am," the doctor replied.

Her mom's voice faded as the merciful darkness pulled her back into the abyss where she floated pain-free. 

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