Part 9 - A Love Story - Scene 1 - Monday

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Originally written and posted on written on 4/16/2024 posted on 5/19/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Scene 1 – Monday – 4/16/2024

Jane was jolted awake by her cellphone alarm Monday morning. She hadn't slept well, her mind plagued by the fear that Cooper might show up, either alone or with his gang, just to torment her.

She padded into the hallway, heading toward the bathroom. As she flipped on the light, she froze, anxiety tightening her chest and stealing her breath.

Bright red lipstick smeared across the mirror: "You forgot to check the windows, Jane."

Reality twisted as she sank onto the toilet. She hadn't opened her bedroom window yesterday. Cooper did. He came back another night to write this, as if it were a game.

But how did he get in? Jane frowned, her eyes scanning the tile floor, searching for answers. Then she remember something Cooper had said: "Your parents have a nice set up back there."

She bolted out of the bathroom, raced down the hallway past her open bedroom door, and stormed into her parents' bedroom. She skidded to a halt. More red lipstick on the dresser mirror: "Be mine."

Panic surged as she checked each of the bedroom windows, and even the sliding glass door that led into the backyard. All were shut and locked, except one. She rushed to the master bathroom and found another message scrawled in lipstick: "Let me hurt you."

From the hallway, her alarm went off again, signaling she had ten minutes before she needed to leave for the bus stop. Jane slammed the bathroom window shut and locked it, drawing the blinds and shutting them tight.

She shut off the bathroom light and hurried to her room. There was no time to clean up. Grabbing whatever clothes she could from the closet, she threw them on and shouldered her backpack, cellphone in hand. On impulse, she rushed back to her parents' room and took pictures of each mirror, then snapped one of her bathroom mirror for evidence that she wasn't going crazy.

For a moment, she considered staying home, locking herself in her room, and forcing herself to call her parents and tell them the truth. She was hurt, scared, and didn't know what to do.

But she couldn't. She had to turn in her final project for Psychology, and her History class was distributing the midterm study guide, which detailed everything that would be on the test. They'd spend the rest of the week finding the answers in their textbooks, and whatever they wrote down in their packets, they could use for their midterm. She couldn't afford to miss it.

Therewas just enough time to grab a package of Pop-Tarts, slip on her shoes, andrush out of the house to jog to the bus stop. Monday was living up to itsreputation. It was terrible.      

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