Part 4 - The Choice - Scene 1 - Wednesday

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Originally written and posted on 3/29/2024

Please Note: This first draft is subject to change upon official publication, including the addition of never-before-read scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, please show your support by liking and following me for more smutty dark romance featuring all the controversial elements readers love—or love to hate.

Part 3 - The Choice  Wednesday - Scene 1

Jane slowed her pace to a brisk walk as she neared her bus, stationed at the far end of the line. Climbing the few steps, she found it empty except for Yolanda, the older Back woman who drove Jane to and from school since she'd started high school.

Yolanda greeted Jane with a warm smile as she stepped into the aisle. "Where're ya sittin' today?" her voice sang out cheerfully, just as another student approached.

Jane returned the smile with a nod, settling into the first seat behind the driver. She scooted toward the window, her backpack resting on her lap. Meeting Yolanda's eyes in the rearview mirror, she offered a faint smile.

Yolanda turned on the radio, cycling through the stations and filling the bus with music.

Jane hugged her backpack closer, deliberately avoiding eye contact with the unlucky person who took the seat beside her.

As the doors clanged shut, the bus eased out of its line and merged onto the main street, joining the slow crawl of after-school traffic. Jane sank deeper into her seat, bracing herself for the long ride home. Her mind buzzed with worries about remaining under the radar. How long could she stay a shadow before they began searching for her? She decided to push those fears aside until after winter break. Only two more days remained. Meanwhile, she resolved to alter her classroom routes and eat lunch in the privacy of a bathroom stall.

When her stop came, Jane stepped off the bus with four other students. Three veered off to the left, heading further down Jenkins Street, while one darted across the street, leaving Jane alone. She trod down the quiet neighborhood, just three short blocks flanked by a towering wall to the right and a street to her left.

After Jane passed the first block, a car crept behind her, windows down, music blaring into the peaceful hush. She quickened her pace, her gaze fixed on the tips of her shoes. The car accelerated to match her stride. Unless Jane bolted into a sprint, she wouldn't be able to shake them. Was this their plan, to extend their reach beyond school grounds? Dread pooled in her chest.

A horn blared, startling Jane into a quick pivot. Tyler lounged behind the wheel, a wicked grin etched on his face. In the back seat, Ashley adjusted her windblown hair with a compact mirror open in her hand. She glanced up, offering Jane a timid smile. Jane couldn't shake the feeling that Ashley stood apart from their circle. Like Jane, Ashley didn't belong.

Jane's eyes locked with Cooper's. He sat in the front passenger seat, his stare initially icy, almost devoid of life, until a smirk crept across his face, a flicker of something more sinister.

Tyler's raucous bark pierced the air as he laid on the horn, snapping Jane back to reality. Ashley delivered a swift slap to the back of Tyler's head. "Cut it out," she scolded, her voice sharp with irritation.

Jane seized the opportunity and began to walk away, yet the car matched her stride, the music fading as Cooper leaned out the window.

"Janey, Janey, Janey..." His voice trailed with a mocking tone. "What shall we do with you?" He toyed with the sleeve of her jacket, his touch invasive. "We missed you. Are you avoiding us now?"

Jane glanced at his hand, then up at him, before shrugging him off and quickening her pace, determined to get away from them. But the car surged forward, maintaining its relentless pursuit.

"Cat got your tongue, Mutt?" Tyler's voice sliced through the tension. "It's rude not to answer people, you know?"

Jane froze in her tracks, but the car continued its slow advance until halting abruptly beside the curb. They were compelling her to come to them. Glancing over her shoulder, she realized there was no escape if she turned back.

When she faced the car again, Cooper's cold stare met hers, his form leaning further out the window. Jane straitened her posture, determination flooding her. She aimed to bypass them and reach the end of the second block.

"Smart move, Janey." Cooper's tone softened, his grin spreading. "Come here."

But Jane merely shook her head, quickening her pace. In a few brisk strides, she reached the end of the block, then jogged across the street, her backpack bouncing against her back.

The car accelerated, and Jane breathed a sigh of relief as it refrained from rounding the corner to cut her off. Instead, it maintained its steady pace alongside her, a persistent shadow on the asphalt. She could sense their eyes boring into her, waiting for a reaction, for her to bolt, to do anything other than avoiding them.

"Ty, stop being an ass and keep driving," Ashley's voice whined from the back seat.

Tyler slammed on the brakes, jolting Ashley forward. Her face collided with the back of the passenger-side headrest.

Jane gasped, witnessing Ashley's reaction firsthand. From her angle, Ashley left a full-face imprint of makeup on the black fabric. she bit her bottom lip to stifle a laugh.

Tyler pivoted in his seat; annoyance etched across his features. "You'd never say that in front of Brittany."

"I saw that, Janey," Cooper interjected, drawing her attention. "Let me hear you laugh."

Ashley's voice pierced from the back seat. "Well, dipshit, she isn't here. So shut up and drive," she spat. "If you don't, I won't blow you tonight like you wanted."

Something grazed the side of Jane's hand, and she glanced down to find the back of Cooper's fingers sliding along the side of her hand. Though he couldn't see, goosebumps crept up her arm beneath her jacket.

Tyler chuckled. "Withholding sexual acts in a relationship is a hate crime."

"Your face is a hate crime." Ashley retorted, sinking back into the seat, her face flushed and eyes watery.

Cooper's fingers halted as he glanced over his shoulder, his laughter turning harsh. "What's that even supposed to mean?"

Jane resumed walking, her pace hastening as their argument faded behind her.

"I don't know," Ashley's voice dripped with frustration. "Can we just go, please?"

Cooper exchanged a glance with Tyler. "Keep up with her."

The car surged forward, closing in on Jane as she neared the end of the third block.

Ashley met Jane's gaze, rolls her eyes. "Don't listen to these losers, Jane."

Cooper leans back out of the car, his fingers snagging Jane's sleeve and tugging her towards him. "Wanna come over?"

Jane recoiled instantly, shaking her head, sensing the joke.

"No way, man." Tyler interjecting, slapping Cooper's arm. "Brittany will have your fuckin' head, and mine for letting it happen." His bitter laugh belied his seriousness.

Jane reached the end of the second block, darting across the street. Only one stretch of wall remained before she reached her street, four houses in on the left. Glancing back, she saw the car stationary, muffled angry voiced spilling from the windows. She slowed her pace slightly, catching her breath.

Ashley's voice pierced the air. "Tyler, I swear to fucking god if you don't step on the gas, I will never have sex with you again."

Seconds later, the engine roared to life, tires screeching as they zoomed passed Jane just as she reached the end of the third block.

"Later loser!" Tyler taunting yell echoed as the car slowed enough for him to hurl the insult at Jane. Then, with a surge of music and speed, they vanished, leaving Jane in enveloped in the lingering scent of burning rubber and smoke.

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