Chapter 5

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- July 16th 1972 - 


Today was a Sunday and me and Alan would be on the farm today. I promised I would teach him more about horse riding and he wanted to learn more about the farm. 

"Are you ready for your horse riding lesson?" I asked.

Alan was walking over as he had just gotten out of his car.

"As ready as can be," he replied with a smile

"Let me run and get the horses real quick and I will be right back," I said.

"Take your time my love," he said.

I went over and brought the horses out. 

"Here we are," I said.

"First?" he asked looking at me.

"We get on the horses," I said.

"No, first I get a kiss," he said with a chuckle.

I gave him a kiss and then we both proceeded to get on the horses.

"I feel like this is going to be a lot of fun," Alan said.

"Oh trust me it is going to be a lot of fun. The idea of riding a horse is harder than the actual way of riding a horse," I said.

"Well with you as my teacher this is going to be a breeze," he said with a chuckle.

I taught him more about horse riding and he ended up getting pretty good with it.

"You are doing really well," I said.

"Well Derek did tell me a couple of things you taught him about horse riding," he said.

Derek eventually showed up.

"It took you long enough," I said with a chuckle.

"I am sorry the traffic getting here was kind of insane," Derek said with a chuckle.

"Oh I can imagine it is a Sunday," Alan said.

"Well yes," I said.

"Come on get on the horsey," Alan said.

Derek got on the horse with Alan and we kind of ran around on the horses for a bit of time.

"I didn't know horses could so wild," Derek said with a chuckle.

"Uh huh sure," Alan said with a chuckle.

"I think horse riding is one of the most fun activities," I said.

"It truly is and I am glad Alan is learning how to ride them," Derek said.

"It has been fun but it is a learning process for sure," Alan said.

"You are doing great though," I said with a smile.

"Show me what you got," Derek said.

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