Chapter 85

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- June 5th 1977 -


The boys were back in town. We were hanging out with the boys for the next couple of weeks until they would be heading back to America. They had talked about staying in America but decided to come back. We had given them the mini tour of the house and they stayed over one of the nights.

"You guys have such a nice house," Les commented.

"Thanks Les. We have been working on it for quite some time now and it is going to be a lot more work being put into it," I said.

"I am kind of surprised how far you guys have come with it. I know by no means are you guys done but you know," Derek said.

"Well of course. Everyday we have been working on a small project in the house and or on the outside," I said.

"I think it is nice to be taking it one step at a time and not overdoing it. I do wonder sometimes how you guys have come so far with the things you do but then again I think about us too you know. We have been on the road so much," Eric said.

"You guys have been on the road a lot yes that is true. And you guys have been bringing smiles to so many amazing people," Alan said.

"It is an amazing feeling to know how much love and happiness we are bringing to those people," Woody said.

"I know it is an amazing feeling," Les said with a smile.

"At times I do miss being able to do that in concert but I am going to be doing my own tour soon," Alan said.

"I think you should think about coming back to the group," Eric said.

"I don't know if I would want to you know. I am doing this whole solo career thing and this is for me you know," Alan said.

"And I would not want to ruin that for you but it would be nice having you back," Les said.

"I know you guys would but it would be weird for me to come back. I am in the middle of working on solo projects and I would not know how to go about the whole thing," Alan said.

"It could be kind of hard and mess with quite a few things," I said.

"I know it would but it is kind of weird not having anyone else in the group with us," Les said.

"And it will become normal once again won't it?" Alan asked.

"I don't know it might," Eric said.

"I think it is something you might just have to think about for some time," Alan said.

"Well maybe sometime you would want to come back to us," Derek said.

"I could see why you guys would want me to but again I don't know how it would go," Alan said.

"I think maybe we should move onto another subject and not keep talking about this one," I said.

"I think that might be a good thing," Les said.

"I think so too. So what do you guys want to be talking about?" Alan asked.

"Well it is like 5 so I think we might want to think about eating. Well maybe not eating but making something for dinner," Woody said.

"That could be fun it would be our first time cooking as a group in our kitchen," Alan said.

"Sounds like fun to me," I said.

We all headed into the kitchen and began to pick out a couple of things we wanted to make for dinner.

"Well this looks like it could be good for the vegetable part of the dinner," Woody said as he pulled out some vegetables from the fridge.

"You think chicken might be good?" Derek asked.

"I think it would be fine," I said.

Soon we picked out the items we would be using to make dinner and got busy.

"This dinner is going to be so good. Are we going to be eating in the kitchen or are we going to be eating in the dining room?" Les asked.

"I think we should try eating in here it would be less table setting," Eric said with a chuckle.

"I also think we should try out the new dining room table one of these days before we get back on tour," Derek said.

"We can but maybe we could do lunch one of these days when we are not so tired," Alan said.

"Sounds like it could be a plan," Derek said.

"I think it is nice how we can come up with meals with no issues in doing so," Woody said with a chuckle.

"It is kind of one of those things we are all blessed with. And if one of us can't come up with something then we know one of the others can," Les said.

"How did you guys do while we were gone?" Eric asked.

"Well kind of like normal when you guys go off. But we were instead checking in on the house and of course taking care of the horses," I said.

"I think it is weird how different our lives can be at times," Eric said.

"Oh I know. They become oh so different from time to time," Alan said.

"But that is what is fun about sharing the things we get to do," Derek said.

"True. Because we are all doing something different and it is fun to talk about the things we get to do," Woody said.

"I sometimes wonder what it would be like if we brought the two of you with us on tour. I know you both have been on versions of the tours since Alan was in the band at one point but you know," Les said.

"It sounds like it would be a fun thing but I don't have the time," I said.

"I don't either right now which is kind of messing with me," Alan said.

"I feel like all you two do is work anymore," Derek said.

"I think so," I said with a bit of a chuckle.

We finished making our meal.

"And Y/N going to school is kind of a lot of things to be thinking about right now," Alan said.

"I think it is a nice thing you are going to school again though," Derek said.

"I know but it is a lot of work," I said.

"Well we should be good to eat now," Les said.

We soon sat down to enjoy a meal all together. 

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