Chapter 68

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- August 10th 1976 -


Everyone but me and Alan had headed into America for the start of their new tour. They would be on tour until about September. Alan was talking about joining them at one point but he was not sure if he would. He told the boys to expect him but then again who knows with him.

"The whole house to ourselves," Alan said as he sat down on the couch next to me.

"I know. It always feels kind of weird when we are alone with the house but soon it is going to be normal," I said as I laid my head on his chest.

Alan wrapped his arms around me.

"It is going to be weird if I do go join the boys in America," Alan said.

"I know but it will be okay if you do you know. You have to do what you have to do," I said.

"I know but I am going to miss you so much if I do go off," he said as he laid his head on mine.

"Me too. But it is going to be nice knowing you will be having fun," I said.

"I know but you will be home being kind of being lonely," he said.

"I will be okay. I am sure someone is going to want to hang out with me," I said.

"True, you are an amazing person," he said.

"Or I could hang out myself and just do things I always do. I am going to be busy with school and work so it is going to keep me kind of busy," I said.

"Well if I do go off to America with the boys it would not be for long you know," he said.

"I know but it will be good for you to push your music out there," I said.

"And it is going to be nice to push it out there and be with the guys kind of on stage. I will be on first and then of course the boys will come on after me so," he said.

"It will be kind of different for you and the boys but it is going to be interesting," I said.

Alan made us lay down on the couch and I looked at him.

"I was just making us a little bit more comfortable," he said with a chuckle.

I smiled a little and laid my head on his chest. He pecked my lips.

"I feel like we don't do exciting things like we once did," I said.

"I know but then again we have done so much it is kind of hard to come up with new things for us to do," he said.

"Mmmm, true but I am sure there is something we could do. Maybe not right now since it is kind of 8 at night," I said.

"We should make our way into the bedroom to be more comfortable but if we fall asleep here that is okay too," he said.

"I don't think I am going to fall asleep here knowing you want to go into the bedroom," I said.

"Then let's go into the bedroom now," he said.

I got up off of the couch and he did the same. We went into the bedroom and laid down on the bed. We had already gotten ready for bed.

"It is kind of weird since this is the first night the boys are not around," he said.

"I know it is kind of weird. Mainly because the house is quite and we have to make sure all of the lights are off," I said with a chuckle.

"Well we turned the lights off and locked the doors so we should be good," he said.

"I think it is nice to be in charge of those things now so we kind of have an idea for our house," I said.

"It is weird thinking how it is going to be all up to us when it comes to those actions," he said.

"But we will have such nice responsibilities," I said.

"We will also be so much closer to the horses than we are right now," he said.

"Well we are not too far from them but I do know what you mean," I said.

"Is there anything you have been thinking about for the last few weeks?" he asked.

"I mean there has been a lot of things going on in my mind but it is kind of a messy place," I said.

"Do you want to talk about it or not?" he asked.

"Mmm, not right now my love. But if you have anything you want to talk about we can," I said.

"Well it is kind of weird with Derek being in a whole different country. I know he just left and this is going to be normal from now on more often than none but you know how it goes," he said.

"I know what you mean. And it is completely normal being away from a sibling for the first time is always going to be hard," I said.

"I kind of thought I was crazy because you know it is just a different country it is not like it is anything else," he said.

"Well you guys have been together like almost all of the time besides when you guys are doing your jobs. Like in the studio so," I said.

"And we are never too far apart. I am kind of thinking about if that is affecting me that way how it is going to be with us?" he asked.

"I don't know but it is going to be interesting," I said.

"I just want to be with you always," he said.

"And you can always be with me whenever you want to be. I am not going to be going anywhere," I said.

"Well if I do I am going to be missing you," he said.

"I am going to be miss you too," I said.

"Mmm," he said as he kissed my forehead.

"You know you make me feel so safe," I said.

"And you make me feel so safe too," he replied with a smile.

"I always dreamed of this life with you," I said.

"I couldn't imagine myself with anyone else," he said.

"It's always been you my baby," I said.

"And it will always be you too my love," he replied. 

To another night with my love. 

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