- July 10th 1978 -
It had been a little bit since Alan's birthday but it was a fun one for him. We went out to dinner with the boys. It was quite nice to be able to celebrate him with the ones he loves. His parents also came out to the dinner. It was a pleasant surprise.
"I think it is nice how we are planning out this next tour I am going to be going on. I do find it kind of cool to be planning this whole thing out with you," Alan said as he looked at me.
We were in the studio looking over the music tracks he had. We also had a map out.
"I don't know where to start. This is the first time I am in your studio. This is so nice," I said.
"You have been in here before haven't you?" he asked.
"Well yeah just once or twice but not for very long so this is a nice surprise," I said with a bit of a chuckle.
"Well make yourself comfortable. I am not too sure if my producer will come in today but if he does he is a cool guy," he said.
"He does seem like a cool person to hang out with," I said.
"Oh he is the best. He is the one who is making all of this magic happen," he said with a smile.
"It is so good to see you smile in your natural habitat," I said.
"You think this is my natural habitat?" he asked.
"Well of course this is where all of the magic of your music happens. How could it not be one of those happy places?" I asked.
"I don't know. I just think it is even more special now I get to share this with you right now," he said.
He brought a chair out for me and I took a seat. He seated himself next to me.
"I think it is crazy this album is going to be coming out so soon. I am so excited this is going to be the tour which is going to be paired for it," I said.
"I think it is just one of those ways of promoting the album. Do you think we should do an American tour?" he asked.
"I think it is going to be a good idea if you do. I know a lot of your fan base is in America and you do not get to get out there as much you know," I said.
"You are right. The fans who are here in Scotland is kind of easier to put on shows for," he said.
"And then maybe one of these days we could work in Japan or something. I know you have done some shows in Italy," I said.
"Spain would be a fun place for him to tour," Derek said as he walked in the door.
"Were you outside of the door the whole time?" Alan asked as he looked at Derek.
"Maybe but I did not want to interrupt if you guys were in the middle of an important conversation," Derek said as he pulled up a chair.
"We are just talking about his upcoming album and trying to figure out the whole tour plan," I said.
"I think tour is one of the most fun parts about promoting an album," Derek said.
"We think so too. And this is the first tour Y/N is going to be coming with me on. I know the tours I have done before have not been too big but to me they have been big deals," Alan said.
"Any kind of tour is a big deal man," Derek said.
"I think it is nice how close you guys are as brothers," I said.
"We have always been so close and I do not think that is going to change anytime soon," Alan said with a bit of a smile.
"I do not think so either. Something about being close as brothers makes me quite happy," Derek said.
"I wish I had someone to share that kind of thing with but here I am," I said with a chuckle.
"You have the two of us to share stuff with so you are twice as lucky. You have the two brothers," Derek said.
"Mmm true you are like my brother," I said as I looked at Derek.
"Well should we plan out the start of this tour?" Derek asked.
"We are going to be planning out the most fun and epic tour ever. I think it is going to be cool since this is the first like ever big tour," Alan said.
"And everyone is going to want to come see you," Derek said.
"Oh for sure. They know just how cool I am," Alan said with a chuckle.
"You are an amazing person and so beyond talented," I said.
"You know you do not have to compliment me all of the time. That is like if I was to say you are beautiful all of the time," Alan said.
"Mhm, this is a whole different thing so do not even get started with me," I said.
"I will if I want to and who are you to stop me?" Alan asked.
"I might not be someone to stop you but Derek is here too," I said.
"She got you on that one didn't she?" Derek asked.
"Maybe but we should get down to work," Alan said as he looked at the paper.
We looked over the album and some of the countries and states.
"I think America is the best idea for this tour and if you want to throw anything else in later you can," Derek said.
"I think so too. I know there has been a large demand of me in America so this is going to be good," Alan said.
"It is going to be nice to see America since we have not seen too much of America," I said.
"Trust me America is a lot of fun and you guys are going to love it. I know Alan has seen bits and pieces but you know," Derek said.
"Yeah, it is a completely different thing," I said.
"Yeah, but it is going to be nice to figure out life," Alan said.
Here was to planning a tour based around the new album.

Light On (Alan Longmuir Fanfiction)
FanfictionThe year is 1972. Y/N (20) and Derek (20) have been friends since school. One day Y/N goes to Derek's house to meet with him but he hasn't arrived home yet. Alan (23) is home when Y/N and him get to talking they hit it off.