- September 20th 1972 -
It was date night and Alan had planned this one out for us. He did not give me specific details all I know is he told me to wear a dress. Now I am not the kind of person who wears dresses so this would be interesting.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"You will find out when we get there. I am not going to spoil the surprise," Alan said with a chuckle.
"But it is not fair not knowing where we are goingg," I said.
"You will find out and you are going to love it I swear," Alan said.
It was around 6 at night and we were walking out to the car.
"How long is the drive there?" I asked.
"About 10 minutes so not too bad," Alan said.
We got in the car and headed to the place he would not tell me about.
"We are here," Alan said as he parked the car.
I looked at the place and it was a dance place.
"Are we here to dance?" I asked.
"I thought it would be cute to bring you here. I know how much you love to dance," Alan said.
"Aww, I love that," I said looking at him.
"That is why I made you wear a dress. We get to ballroom dance here," he said.
"Oooh that sounds like so much fun," I said with a smile.
"It is going to be a lot of fun. Let's go," Alan said.
We got out of the car and headed inside the place.
"This place is gorgeous," I said looking around.
"It really is," Alan said.
We headed into the room and we were able to dance for a bit of time.
"I never did think of doing this kind of thing," I said.
We danced along in the room.
"I am kind of glad you never thought about this. I think it is fun being able to do things together for the first time," Alan said.
"I think so too," I said with a smile.
He twirled me and I felt like a princess in that moment.
"You look gorgeous by the way," Alan said as he kissed my cheek.
"As you look handsome as ever," I said with a smile.
We enjoyed our little date with dance before we headed back to the car.
"That was so much fun," I said as we got in the car.
"It was and I am so glad you had some fun," Alan said with a smile.
"Thank you for always thinking of cute things for us to do," I said looking at him.
We sat in the car for a few minutes in the parking lot before we left.
"Well we both do things that are cute for another. Whether it be a date or a surprise," Alan said with a smile.
I kissed him and smiled.
"I love surprise kisses," he said with a chuckle.
"Surprise kisses are one of my favorite things to do," I said with a chuckle.
"Keep it up," he said with a chuckle.
"Where are we going to next?" I asked.
"It is up to you darling," he said.
"Mmm, I have no clue," I said.
"Well think about it we do not have to pull out right now," he said.
"We could just go back to the house and hang out for a bit of time," I said.
"What if I spent the night tonight?" Alan asked.
"That would be fun," I said with a smile.
"Then to my house and then to your house is what we will do," Alan said.
We headed to Alan's and Derek's house and inside.
"Hey Y/N," Derek said.
Alan went into his room to get a bag together to stay at my house.
"Hey Derek, how are you doing?" I asked.
"I am doing good and how are you doing?" Derek asked.
"Good, Alan is going to be staying my place tonight," I said.
"Ooo that is going to be a lot of fun. What are you guys planning to do?" Derek asked.
"I have no clue to be honest. We might watch a movie and have some popcorn I feel like that could be fun," I said.
"That does sound like fun," Derek said.
Alan soon came back with a bag.
"Sorry it took so long I could not find half of the things I needed," Alan said with a chuckle.
"Oh, no problem love," I said.
"We were just chatting," Derek said.
"I am going to be gone until tomorrow sometime in the morning," Alan said.
"Fun. I have the whole house to myself then," Derek said.
"Don't throw any parties while I am gone though," Alan said.
"I don't plan on it," Derek said with a chuckle.
"I didn't think you would but you know having a house to yourself anything is kind of possible," Alan said.
"You know I am not the kind of person to party anyway," Derek said.
"I know but we are going to be heading out now. Do not get into any trouble," Alan said with a chuckle.
"I will be good," Derek said.
"Bye Derek," I said.
"Bye guys," Derek said as he shut the door behind me and Alan.
"This is going to be fun. Do we have any plans?" Alan asked.
We got his stuff in the car and then got into the car.
"I was thinking we could watch a movie and maybe have some popcorn," I said.
"That sounds like it could be fun," Alan said.
We drove back to my house and soon enough were inside.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"It is 9 almost 10 now," Alan replied.
"When did it become so late," I said with a chuckle.
"Well when we left here it was like 6 so it is kind of not bad on time," Alan said.
"Mmm, true. I am just glad I don't have work tomorrow," I said.
"Same here," he replied.
We brought his stuff into my bedroom and got him situated.
"When did we want to get ready for bed?" I asked.
"Now and then we could put the movie on," Alan said.
"I feel like we should turn on the tv now and see if we can see what show is on," I said.
"Perhaps that is true," Alan replied.
We went into the living room and turned on the tv to see what was on. We would then get ready for bed and get comfortable on the couch to see what was going on.

Light On (Alan Longmuir Fanfiction)
FanfictionThe year is 1972. Y/N (20) and Derek (20) have been friends since school. One day Y/N goes to Derek's house to meet with him but he hasn't arrived home yet. Alan (23) is home when Y/N and him get to talking they hit it off.