- June 10th 1976 -
We were down to 10 days until it was going to be Alan's birthday. He had the day off today but today I got stuck at work doing what other people were supposed to be doing. Sometimes I wonder if this job is really better than my last. I also have classes starting in August for going back to college so it is going to be interesting. I am proud of myself for following my heart though.
"Ugh," I groaned as I got into my car.
I began the drive home after a couple of minutes and pulled into the driveway and parked. I looked at the house.
"One of these days it is going to be the house we are creating," I said to myself.
I saw the front door open and saw Alan's face. I smiled a little bit and got out of the car.
"Hey my love," Alan said from the front door.
"Hi baby," I said as I locked the car and walked inside with him.
"You were gone for quite a long time today," Derek said as I walked in the door.
"I got stuck doing what other people are supposed to be doing. I swear half of the people should not be working there in the first place," I said.
"Dang. It sounds like it was a rough one," Eric said.
"That is why I am hoping to be able to get my second degree kind of quick starting in the fall," I said.
"I think it is cool how you are going after a second degree. Not a lot of people do that let alone get one," Les said.
"Well if I can get a job in the field I desire I am going to be happy with it," I said.
"I thought writing and stuff was your calling?" Woody asked.
"I always thought it was but I don't think so anymore," I said.
"We had a nice conversation all about it," Alan said with a small smile.
"I think it is nice you talk these kinds of things out. It is quite healthy to do that," Eric said.
"Oh of course it is," Alan said.
I walked up into the bedroom and got changed. Alan had followed me.
"I missed you today," Alan said.
"I missed you today too. I am sorry I was not home earlier," I said.
"It is not your fault," Alan said.
I put my hair into a ponytail.
"I know but I do feel bad. I am trying to make this a good month for you," I said.
"You are making this to be an amazing month. It is only 10 days in and we have done quite a few fun things for the month," Alan said with a chuckle.
"I know but that is the whole point. To make it a fun and memorable month," I said.
"It is my love. Even if there is not an activity planned out for each day. I am busy and of course you are busier," Alan said.
"Well I am trying to work around it," I said.
"Even just watching tv and cuddling is something I enjoy," Alan said as he looked at me.
"I love when we just relax together too," I said.
"Then that is what the thing for today is going to be," Alan said.
Derek knocked on the door and walked right in.
"What did you guys want for dinner?" Derek asked.
"I don't know to be honest. But anything could work," Alan said.
"What about you Y/N?" Derek asked as he looked at me.
"I don't know to be honest. Anything you want to do is going to be good for me. I am starving so," I said with a chuckle.
"So could you eat a horse?" Derek asked with a chuckle.
"Oh my god no never," I said.
"I was kidding," Derek said.
"I know but still," I said.
"Mmmkay I will see what me and Les can put together," Derek said as he left the bedroom again.
Alan wrapped his arms around me from behind.
"Mmm," I said.
"I miss doing this when either one of us or both of us are at work," Alan said.
"Your arms make me feel the safest," I said with a bit of a smile.
"Mmm good then I am doing my job," Alan said.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," he replied.
"Imagine we could stay home together like all of the time," I said.
"It could be nice but then again it could be boring if we run out of things to do," Alan said.
"I mean true," I said.
"We should go to the lake side soon," Alan said.
"I think that would be fun," I said.
"Imagine if we rode one of the horses over. That could be a lot of fun but then again it could be hard to control them from running off," Alan said.
"I mean maybe or maybe not," I said.
"Well we should go into the kitchen to see what the boys are planning on making. For all we know they might have started already," he said.
"Good point," I said.
We made our way into the kitchen.
"What did you guys come up with to make?" I asked.
"It is going to be a surprise so get out of the kitchen," Derek said.
"How sweet are you," Alan said.
"Well if it is a surprise you are going to ruin the surprise if you stay in here," Les said.
"Fine, we will go hang out with the other guys while you guys are in here," Alan said.
We went into the living room.
"Did you guys get told to get out too?" Eric asked with a chuckle.
"Kind of," Alan said with a chuckle.
"Well what do you guys want to do while we wait for them to make dinner?" Woody asked.
"I don't know but anything that could be fun or something," I said.
"That is kind of hard when it is so general of being fun for things we can do," Woody said.
"If it was up to me I would just play the guitar for a bit," Eric said.
"Why don't we just sing a couple of songs then?" Woody asked.
"I guess we could. I think it could be fun," Alan said.
"Y/N will you sing with us?" Eric asked.
"Uh, no I am not going to sing but I will listen to you guys," I said.
"Come on Y/NNN," Woody said.
"Okay, fine maybe," I said.
"Perfect," Alan said as he pecked my lips.
Eric got his guitar and here was to singing a couple of songs with the boys while we wait for dinner to be done.

Light On (Alan Longmuir Fanfiction)
FanfictionThe year is 1972. Y/N (20) and Derek (20) have been friends since school. One day Y/N goes to Derek's house to meet with him but he hasn't arrived home yet. Alan (23) is home when Y/N and him get to talking they hit it off.