Chapter 47

7 1 14

- October 1st 1975 -


We decided our wedding was going to be on November 1st. It was going to happen the way we had talked about since there is no way I am going to be getting female friends anytime soon. I chose the best man of honor is what we were going to be calling it. 

I had chosen Les to be the best man of honor. He seemed more like a brother to me than any of the other guys. The other guys just ended up seeming like real close friends.

"I think it is nice how you chose Les to be your best man of honor. I know he was quite happy when you told him," Alan said.

"I know and I think it is going to be cute," I said with a smile.

"I am glad both of our parents are able to come and of course the rest of our families will be coming. I know it is not going to be a big wedding but it is going to be nice for us," he said.

"I know which is the best part about it," I said.

"I also did realize Halloween is this month," he said.

"Oh true we have to figure out what we want to dress up as," I said.

"I think anything is going to be fun for us," he said.

"I think so too but we will figure it out. We have the whole month my love," I said as I turned to look at him.

He looked back at me and smiled.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked.

"How we should go outside and see how the weather is. We don't get outside enough," I said.

"Do you want to go for like a walk or do you wanna go sit in the backyard?" he asked.

"I think we could go sit in the backyard," I said with a smile.

"Then let's go," he said as he put his hand out.

I put my hand in his and we headed into the backyard.

"I sometimes forget we live with all of the boys since half of the time they are not loud like they used to be," I said.

"I know they have become quiet over the course of time," he said.

Les followed us out to the backyard. 

"Hey guys," Les said.

"Oh hey Les," I said as I looked at him.

"I am still so happy you picked me to be your man of honor. I have got to get used to saying that," Les said with a chuckle.

"I know it does kind of sound weird still but it will become normal by next month," I said.

"I think it is cute how you get to be her man of honor. I know she does not have bridesmaids but I do not think they are important since she is like an only child so," Alan said.

"And of course your best men are Eric and Woody since your best man is Derek," Les said.

"Yeah, we will figure it out. If I was more popular life would not be like this," I said with a chuckle.

"And it is only going to be us in the family and of course the boys and such so it is not like anyone is going to notice their is no bridesmaids," Les said.

"That is why I am glad it is a small wedding," I said as I looked at Alan.

"Plus it costs less and since the family is doing the cooking it made things cheaper too," Alan said.

"And we all get to put the whole thing together," Les said.

"I think it is fun to be able to design the whole thing on a nice budget," I said.

"So many people spend so much money on a simple event which is big but it is not always a necessary cost for certain things," Alan said.

"I know when people have some of the food done for their wedding it costs a lot of money," Les said.

"I know and with our budget paying the family to do the cooking is my favorite thing," I said.

"Plus I know it makes them feel loved," Alan said with a smile.

"Well I will leave you guys alone," Les said as he smiled and went back inside.

I laid my head against Alan's chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

"It's so beautiful out here. It is nice to be able to see the sun for a little bit," Alan said.

"I know. I love being able to see the sun as much as I do love the rain but the rain is not the only thing I love to see," I said with a chuckle.

"I know what you mean. When it comes to getting work done it just makes it so much more hard even though we should be so used to it by now," he said.

"You would think we should be," I said with a chuckle.

"I think getting used to something might take a lot of years. Growing up here has been nice but maybe one day we will move away to another country," he said.

"You think we could move to another country?" I asked.

"I think it would be fun sometime. When the band slows down and we get to have some time to find ourselves. Right now the group is in its height so it might be a couple of years but," he said.

"I think it would be nice to be able to live in another place for some time and see if we like it," I said.

"I think it would be nice to be able to see how different the world is. We learn so much when we tour but it is different from living in a new place," he said.

"Well of course because living in a different place you become the culture and learn so much more about it," I said.

"Sometimes you learn something you didn't even know was possible," he said.

"Maybe you are right," I said as I closed my eyes.

"Don't be falling asleep on me now," he said with a chuckle.

"I won't I am just taking in the sunshine," I said with a smile.

He kissed my head and held me tight. What a dream come true. 

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