Into a new world

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On a Monday Afternoon I was on my way home from school I was an average high schooler my parents were always busy with their work, so I'm alone at home most of the time.

had no special talent or skill, I always work hard at school to impress both my parents, but since I'm always alone so many people think of me as 'boring' many people have a tendency to look down on loner for having no friends but, honestly, I never thought 'friends' were necessary to begin with, to be honest I much rather spend my time alone then being with others though....

It's not like I hate spending time with friends it's just that I don't have any I never tried to make friends since I'm always trying to improve in my studies.

I could hear the sounds of many vehicles as I made my way towards my stop. I entered a local supermarket a few blocks from the bus stop. Since my parents won't be back home early today, I figured I'd get dinner started early. I opened the larger two-sided door.


The door opened with a small ring, when I looked inside, I saw quite a few people all over the store. I quickly went towards the meat section and gazed at all the meat which were placed inside the fridge.

Hmm.... Maybe I should make chicken soup. With that I opened the fridge and cool breeze cress my face as I took a bag of fresh chicken foot. I gazed at the price tag which has the number '5,00$' written there.

It's a good thing I haven't spent much of my savings, I thought with a small sigh. I then went towards the cashier and joined the line, after waiting 20 minutes I was finally able to leave that place. I then made my way towards the bus stop.

By the time I got to the bus stop there were already a large amount of people waiting by the bus stop. there were also a few people who I recognize within the crowd.

But I pretend not to notice them since I'm bad at making small talk however that plan was immediately interrupted when a girl came up to me wearing a blue and white school uniform.

"Haruto you're heading home early today I'm surprise."

The girl said as she wore a bright smile.
She had short black hair that reaches her shoulder she also had light brown eyes we went to the same school for over three years and had been in the same class. whenever we see each other, she would always try to start a conversation with me for some reason I don't know.

She is known in our school as one of the top three most beautiful girl. her grades were all above average.

Every day she would always go to school early and help with cleaning, not only that but she would also help the younger ones with studying. she is the kind of girl who is extremely polite and like socializing with her friends.

Not only is she good at school academics but also sports, as one of the most popular girls in school she has her own fan club. she was an unreachable star I would never be able to touch no matter how much I tried. and yet I always wonder why she was so determined to be friends with me.

Which I always find strange, just a single smile is enough to steel the hearts of anyone who is lucky to have witness it. even I have to admit that she is beautiful. however, I have no romantic interest in her.

Someone like me who spend most of my time alone was incompatible with her. The two of us live in two different worlds, I was a loner who would much rather spend my time alone while she is always with her friends.

Besides every guy in school seems to really like her spending time with her would draw unwanted attention to me so it's best to just ignore troublesome things like this.

"H-Hey Mona, I have to go home early today to prepare dinner since my parents won't be back for a while."

I said as I did a force smile.

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