A day in the capital

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On the outside of the royal castle, I can hear the voices of many people shouting, as well as loud banging.

They have been constructing a new building on the outskirts of the castle, I didn't know how big this country was but I have been going to school for about two weeks now, the time in this world seem to be similar to my own world, I've been spending my free time learning the writhing style of this world with Scarletts help it seems I'm making progress; I've also been reading historical books that contains knowledge about the past and history about this world.

Of course, I've also been practicing my magic as well, I can now use high level spells my wind attribute seems to be my most powerful element. In addition, I can also sense mana in the surrounding through magic sense it was an advanced level technique I picked up while training.

Right now, I seem to be the only one capable of using it. my healing abilities seem to be about average at best, I think it's best for me to take a short trip into town it's no good to over work myself.

"Well, that's enough studying for today."

I said with a small sigh.

With that being said I closed the book I've been reading.

I Then made my way down the hall of the castle, along the way I saw a few maids that were caring out their regular duties, when they saw me, they all stop and bowed elegantly while holding the hem of their dress, I'm still getting use to the customs in this world, even I have to speak extremely polite when speaking to either a noble or Royalty, since I don't have any status, I can't even refuse a low ranking noble. I then gave a polite bow to the maid, who has been holding the hem of her dress gracefully.

"Good day Sir Sato, please let us know if you need anything."

The maid said with a gentle smile.

"Yes, thank you."

I said in a low voice.

The maid then went on her way while holding a tray in her hand her mannerisms was refine and graceful, the maids all showed kind and gentle smile no matter who they were talking too, even if they get yelled at or even if someone talked abruptly to them, they never change their gentle expression, they all carried themselves with professionalism.

I finally made my way to the living room; there I saw Scarlett wearing a beautiful red dress that matches her hair colour perfectly, there was a beautiful maid standing next to her, she has short bright blond hair and green eyes she has been, Scarlett's personal maid since she was a small child.

"Scarlett, are you going somewhere?"

I asked as I was a bit curious.

Upon Hearing my voice so suddenly Scarlett was a bit startled as her shoulders jumps slightly.

"Oh, Haruto there's someone I'd like to meet in the capital so I'm planning to head there now."

She said in a happy tone.

"I see well then you don't mind if I tag along, do you? I was planning to explore the capital too, so I hope you don't mind."

I said as I was a bit nervous.

You could see this as a date, since it would be just the both of us, but I have little experience when it comes to being alone with a girl.

"I don't mind, Rin was going to be my escort but if you and I were to go together it seems she can stay here."

Scarlett said as she seemed to be in a good mood.

"Yes, this is perfect I have to clean my milady room, so I have no complains."

Rin said in a flat tone.

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