Start of the banquet

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A peaceful night air blows over the royal castle, as the nobles of the most influential houses drove their carriages through the castle gate. there were already many carriages parked at the castle parking lot. The hall in which the banquet is to take place in is already filled with nobles who had arrived first in the afternoon, incidentally the king and Queen are already greeting some of the nobles who had arrived before.

Words of the princess's arrival had left the nobles all exhilarated now having a chance to meet with the three princesses' up close. The dining tables were already filled with the best dishes the royal castle chef had to offer to the guest, many maids and butlers were offering cocktail with only the best alcohol within the castle.

Even though the banquet had just started lively conversations were happening all over between the nobles who hardly ever had any time to exchange information, the hottest topic is the affairs of Alberta Kingdom.

Meanwhile Scarlett, Hinata and Racheal was still getting ready for the banquet. The three of them were dressed in different beautiful outfit that would easily charm any who witness them. With the help of the maids, they were able to get ready much faster.


Meanwhile, I was already dressed in my clothes which I'm to wear for the banquet. When I looked into a mirror, I saw that my outfit was fix rather neatly my hair was also styled in a different way than usual. Normally I would always keep my hair downwards but now I decided to comb it to the side instead of the front. I've never worn anything as fancy as this before in my previous world.

Even when looking at myself right now it's hard to recognize myself. My suit was a black tuxedo which I am wearing with a white under shirt. And a black shoe.

(I really do look like a different person huh)

I thought a little amused.

About that time there was a small knock on my door. I then move towards the door and slowly opened it. Scarlett figure then came into view as she wore a bright smile on her face.

"Haruto, are you finish?"

Scarlett asks while tilting her head.

"Yes, I was on my way now."

I said while maintaining a small smile on my face. However, I widen my eyes at the appearance of Scarlett who was wearing a long blue paled coloured dress that covered her feet, her dress was designed with blue rosed flower on her waist. Her red hair was tied with a ribbon and hang on her right side.

"Hmm... Haruto it's really embarrassing when you're staring at me you know?"

She said bashfully with blush cheeks.

"Haha... excuse my rudeness. You just look so beautiful my eyes couldn't help but stare."

I said somewhat nervously.

"Oh, why thank you. You look really good yourself."

Scarlett said while glancing at my appearance.

"Thank you for your kind words."

The sound of footsteps could be heard coming from behind Scarlett. When I shifted my gazed Hinata came into view. Wearing a beautiful black dress that reaches her knees, her dress was extremely glued to her body showing off her curves. Her dress was plain the only designed that stand out was her chest area that had an open design that slightly exposed her ample chest.

"You look really good too Princess Hinata."

I said awkwardly.

"Oh, thank you. You also look very handsome in your outfit."

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