Haruto vs Gael (1/2)

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Everyone looked dumbfounded at the giant hole left behind by the bulky man, who was sent flying by my fist. Seeing everything he was doing really pissed me off, just who gave him the right to treat humans as though they are made to entertain him? Someone like that is even worse than scum, I'll definitely enjoy beating him until he begs for forgiveness.

A small smile was formed on my face, thinking about what punishment awaited him. Alya saw the look on my face and smiled wryly, while shrugging her shoulders.

With that scum now gone I went up towards the old man lying on the ground. While lowering my posture, I check the condition of the village chiefs.

"What terrible injuries..."

I muttered sadly.

(If only we had gotten here sooner, you may have never had to go through that)

I sighed quietly while thinking that.

"Haruto, you should focus on your opponent, please leave the treatment of these people to me."

Alya said in a cheerful voice, seeing that I nodded my head before leisurely walking into the direction of where the scummy adventurer had been sent flying.

(Hmm... interesting, I sent him flying through two houses, and I didn't even need to enhance my physical strength, just using mana to boost my physical ability is enough to overpower most threats)

I thought. While placing a finger on my lips. My gazed was completely drawn to the bulky man lying on top a mountain of rubble, oops I caused quite a lot of vandalization it seems; I'll make sure to apologize to the owner of that house once this is done.


Many piles of wood were sent flying in all directions as the bulky man got up dramatically. Seeing that he was still full of energy even after all the damage his body had received, I was slightly amazed.

"Oh, interesting, not even a single scratch. That body of yours must be really durable."

I said, praising the durability of his body sincerely, however, hearing my word a look of shame filled his face.

(Hm, did I say something bad?)

I wondered confused. I was about to asks when, the bulky man did A strange gesture with his hands before chanting.

"Mother of earth blast my target, earth stomp!"

The bulky man stomped his right feet heavily on the ground, creating a giant crater where he stood. The wave of his stomp continued, coming towards me with an impossible speed.

Seeing the waves coming closer, I leaped into the air, at a distance of 15 feet. Thanks to my coat which has wind resistance, the wind pressure wasn't becoming a hindrance.


The ground broke apart as many wooded houses were completely destroyed by the fierce wave that spread through the ground, a cloud of dusk was raised, forming a circle around the bulky man. Once the dust settles all that remains were a giant crater of 30 radius in diameter.

The bulky man huff through his nose, however, once his eyes met with mine. A look of annoyance was present on his face.

"Tch, that took up so much mana and yet! My spell didn't even land!"

He shouted.

My feet then landed heavily on the ground.

(That was some spell...)

I thought, I definitely can't underestimate him. I then slowly reach for my sword hanging on my waist. I smoothly drew the sword from its scabbard, the silver blade glittered by the light of the sun reflecting on the flat surface of the blade. From a distance of approximately 7 feet, I took a stance with my sword.

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