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The sun was shining brilliantly in the morning sky, the civilians of the Watanabe Kingdoms were all in high spirits. Sun rays were shining through the open window illuminating the room with a bright glow. I slowly got up from my bed and took out a change of clothes. The clothes I'm going to wear is the spirit gear that were brought by Alya last night.

Wind gathers and takes the form of Alya who was yawning cutely while rubbing her eyes. Seeing that I smiled faintly before greeting her.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?"

"Nn, I'm still a bit tired though."

She said while rubbing the corner of her eyes.

"Oh, I didn't know spirits need the same amount of sleep as humans do."

I said widening my eyes. Alya shook her head faintly before speaking.

"Spirits don't usually need sleep, the only reason I'm tired is because I used up a lot of power on your spirit gear."

She said showing a faint smile.

"I see... I'm really sorry you had to do that."

I said bowing my head while apologizing.

"Nn, no I can't have my partner go out without a protective gear, you know. And besides you can rely on me as much as you want."

She said while suddenly embracing me from the front. I could feel her warmth through her clothes, why is it that just feeling it made my heart feel so much at ease. In the end will be spending everyday together so I'll at least learn everything I can to become a good partner. I clench my fist determined.

"Will be traversing through the Watanabe Kingdom's border so, you'll have plenty of time to rest."

I said while taking a light step back, Alya nodded her head before showing a serious expression.

"Incidentally Haruto, what are you going to do about that Princess?"

Alya asks while tilting her head curiously. I made a troubled face while pondering.

"I'll say my farewell to her before I go, it'll be wrong for me to leave without saying anything, right?"

I said while showing a wry smile, I never got the opportunity to talk to her last night did I. I brought my hand to my chin pondering about the best way to say my farewell.

"Well, I'll leave that to you then."

She said as her body faded and turned into wind. I sighed quietly before leaving. Passing many maids and knights on the way I thanked them for their help while I was living here. Until I made it to the living room and spotted the figure of Hinata and who were having tea.

"Oh, if it isn't Haruto, today is the day you'll be leaving, right?"

She asks while showing a friendly smile. I nodded my head confirming her question. Racheal continued to drink her tea without saying anything.

"I'm really sorry, I'm sure you must think I'm being ungrateful, right?"

I said with a troubled face.

"No, not at all. It was thanks to you that my little sister is safe and sound. If anything, I'm really grateful."

"No, no. Please raise your head it'd be wrong if anyone see your highness lowering her head towards a nobody like me, right? I just did what anyone would do in that situation."

I said in a flustered by her actions. It was a good thing there wasn't any nobles nearby, things would have probably gotten really bad if anyone sees us.

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