We kill, only if necessary!

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Hearing the words of Alice, I wore a confused expression.

"Your village is in danger, what do you mean? What kind of danger?"

I ask unable to hold back my curiosity. Alya also gazed at Alice with a curious face.

"There are three adventurers from the Kingdom of Alberta lodging there, they currently held my people captive."

She said as droplets of tears fell to the ground, seeing that I turned my head to Alya seeking her help, however she simply shrugged her shoulders before hugging Alice into her arms. The vicinity became quiet, the only sound that was audible to my ear aside from the rustling of the trees, was the sobbing sound of Alice crying.

After crying for roughly 5 minutes, she finally calmed down. Judging by how sad and desperate she was, I could easily guess something else must have happened for her to cry this much.

".... Alice did those adventurers do anything to you?"

I asked curiously, while gazing at her with a serious face. Still laying in Alya's embrace she answered.

"N-no... I was able to escape however, my father...."

She said, but the last part of her sentence was too low for me to hear. But I could easily guess what had happened. I clenched my fist tightly suppressing the anger I felt.

(Why would adventurers from the Alberta Kingdom be all the way out here? And why would they do something like that to this poor village? I guess no matter which world you're in there will always be scums)

I thought to myself, no was already aware that such scums existed in this world, after all i had experienced it once before when I had first arrived in this world. I sighed at the bitter memory. Meanwhile Alya separated from Alice and asks with a serious face.

"Could you explain to us in detail what happened? We need to understand everything before we moved."

Alya said in a gentle tone pleasant to the ear, Alice shook her head up and down before explaining.

"Our village is poor and far away from the protection, of the Kingdom near our vicinity."

"So, we had to deal with the dangers of the forest on our own, from the wild beast to the poisonous plants and the extreme weather, we had to endure all of it, and the Kingdoms are too far away to travel on land."

She said eloquently. I see. Hearing her explanation, I folded both my arms and hummed, the beast is too powerful for any normal humans to deal with on their own.

And the weather changes really often out in the wilderness, the plants and trees can sometimes carry powerful poison and it's difficult for anyone to determine which is safe from which is harmful with the naked eye.

It made sense they would be too scared to go out on their own. Even if someone had fighting experience and could use some powerful magic, the mana within humans is too low to last an entire journey.

I'm lucky since my mana reserve is extremely massive, I turned my gazed towards Alya curious about her opinion. Noticing my gazed she showed a faint smile before opening up her mouth.

"Hmm... interesting, so these scummy adventurers decided to use your village as an opportunity to live lavish, am I right?"

She asks with an adorably smile on her face. Alice nodded her head faintly.

"We gave them everything we had, shelter, clothes, food. Many children hadn't eaten anything in weeks."

She said as a gloomy expression filled her face.

"They definitely sound like some bad people."

I said in a low mutter, however at that moment I heard Alya's sweet voice entered my mind.

-So, what are we going to do, Haruto?

She asks turning her head to me, why do we need to talk telepathically? I wonder as I looked at her, her still smiling face hadn't changed as she gazed at me.

(Hmmm... I wonder, to be honest I'm not sure. This really isn't any of my problem... but I'd be really cold hearted if I just decided to leave while knowing that I could do something)

I said with a conflicted expression.

-Does that mean you're going to help them? I don't mind lending a helping hand, but only if you're going to save them.

(I see... thank you Alya)

-But accepting this means you're going to have to fight another human, do you really think you can do it, do you have the conviction to openly kill another one of your kind? After all, it's completely different from slaying a monster in the forest.

She said, her soothing voice carried a tinge of sorrow. Hearing her last question, I paused before going into deep thought.

Indeed, if I face them, it will most likely be a fight to the death, could I actually kill a human? I wondered; would I be able to deal with guilt when I'm done. I'll have to spend the rest of my life knowing that my hands had been sullied. While thinking about this my hands began to shake repeatedly. Noticing that Alya held my hand. I could now feel the sensation of her soft delicate hands.

"Do not struggle alone, please allow me to struggle with you, if the burden is too much for you to handle. Please let me take the sin of killing those who are your enemies."

She said with a voice filled with resolve, I stared at Alya unable to come up with any meaningful words to say, she will kill my enemies in my stead,

(I, I won't allow that... I absolutely won't let you do that, will fight together isn't that what it meant when we became partners?)

-Yes, but you....

(It's okay, you're right, killing a human is much different from killing a mere monster, but I made my choice, I'll fight, and I'll kill only if necessary. I may have to live with that sin of taking another person's life, but I'll live with it. It will be my sin to carry!)

I said internally, I won't allow someone I care about to be killed before my eyes, killing goes against my moral principles, but in this world, life is cheap compared with my original home, the common moral of earth is meaningless in this world, I've already accepted that fact a long time ago.

Alya stayed silent gazing at my face closely for some time.

"Umm... Are you two, okay?"

Alice asks, watching the scene playing before her.

"Eh, ah it's nothing to worry about. We have made the decision to help your village."

I said, while gazing away to hide my embarrassment, I had completely forgotten about her while I was having an internal conversation with Alya, I'm sure we must had looked like quite the sight. Alya peered at Alice face intensely as she spoke.

"So, as he said we have made the decision to help both you and your village, what will we get in return for helping you? Unfortunately, our service can't come free."

She spoke. The atmosphere became quiet, as Alice went into deep thought upon hearing the words of Alya. However, a tinged of resolve flash in her eyes as she replied.

"..... If it means that my people can be saved then, I'll offer myself as your reward."

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