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Three days went by after our duel; the entire arena was naturally turned into a commotion as a swarm of nobles gathered around me like bees gathering around honey, they were trying to deepen our relationship saying things like "As expected of her highness's Saviour will you work for me?" or "With your power we could surely increase our military prowess" naturally those people were easily taken care of by both the royal sisters who were present. Incidentally Hindu who was knocked out was brought to the medical room inside the royal castle. After he had regained consciousness.

He was severely punished by his noble family for using their most powerful spell 'Pheonix wrath' apparently it was a spell they didn't want to be shown in the opening before such a large group of spectators. Hindu who had lost the duel which he had initiated in the first place felt great shame. "You are my rival commoner!! I'll never allow anyone to take lady Isabella from me." He said so while being in a half crying state.

(I sure hope our paths doesn't cross anytime soon)

I thought tiredly. Remembering the state of Hindu who had tears running down his cheek while saying that the "Power of my love won't lose to anyone especially to some punk who have no class." while pointing his finger at me was an image that was stuck inside my head for some reason, it seems he had fully accepted me as his number one rival. I sighed quietly before sitting on my bed while gazing out the window, which shows the scenery of the crescent moon hovering in the cloudless night sky.

After going through so much headache it's good to have some peace time for a change. However, at that moment wind gathered around and the figure of the 'Divine beauty' appeared, her long blue dress fluttered with her graceful movement as her long waist length green hair dance with the wind blowing through the opened window. The diamond armament attached to her dress glittered with the moon light illuminating through the opened window.

"May I join you?"

She asks while showing a sweet smile on her face. I gulp seeing her smile that smile can really charmed anyone who witness it, it was like an image taken out of a fairy tale. Noticing my unusual behaviour Alya tilted her head curiously.

"Cough, well it would be boring for you to stay in your spirit form, right?"

I said while showing a smile on my face. Alya then casually seated herself beside me with that I turned my gazed towards the window once again viewing the night sky, Alya also turned her gazed towards the night sky with a small smile tug on her lips. A peaceful atmosphere drifted inside the room. We both stayed like that for some time until I notice Alya had a tinge of redness on her cheek while she was fidgeting a little bit.

"Ah, hey, are you okay? You're not cold, are you?"

I asked, finding her behaviour quite strange. Hearing my sudden question, she flinches slightly.

"Eh, ah no... it's just I'm sitting next to Haruto while gazing at the night sky, it's only natural my maidenly heart would be stimulated, you know."

She said while blushing. Naturally I had no comment I honestly didn't know how to respond to such honest mutter, I have read many books about romance back home however the inexperience me had never had any practice in that department before. There has never been anyone who had said such things to me before. Alya was gazing at me with a somewhat seductive glint in her neatly refined eyes at that I awkwardly glance away while scratching my cheek,

"Anyway, ah there is something I wanted to ask you, is that okay?"

I ask awkwardly while trying my best to change the topic.

"What is it?"

She asks curiously. Though there was a cute pout on her pink lips it seems she knew I was purposely trying to divert the topic.

The Second Incarnation of the God of CreationWhere stories live. Discover now