A promise

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"Time magic, you say? Can you explain that to me in detailed, I've never heard of it."

I said completely confused. So far, I only know a few magic that exist in this world. Fire, water, earth and wind are the most common used by humans. Which originates from the four elemental goddesses, you also have light magic which is an extremely rare type of magic some humans are able to use.

The dark magic is special magic the demon race once used three hundred years ago in the war, however, the amount of human capable of using it was low. I was recently told about, the existence of space magic that have the potential to help me return home, but it wasn't something normally used. At least it's not something you would ever see humans used normally.

"Time magic could be said to be counterpart for space magic, as both are magic that cannot usually be learnt normally by humans, while the four elements of nature were brought by the elemental goddesses. Space and time magic were brought by the god of creation from long ago, in fact these two magic was the one that helped in the creation of the universe."

She explained in a fluent tone. I see, make sense that a god was the one who created time and space magic. But still how amazing would it be to be able to manipulate time. I'd really like to try it if possible but... can a human even use that kind of magic? While I was pondering such thoughts, Alya accepted the orb.

"We, accept your request."

She said showing a satisfied smile.

"Are you sure?"

I gazed at her curiously, trying to guess her intention.

(Hey, is it possible for me to learn time magic through the time orb?)

-I'm not sure but, I have a feeling it's going to be useful to you moving forward. While we travel, I will do some investigating to understand the orb a little more as, its clearly not something that was made by the hands of a human.

Hearing the words coming from Alya I hummed with a pensive expression, it wasn't made by human then, who exactly could have made it. My curiosity was piqued. I turned my attention back to the village chief.

"Can you tell me where exactly you got this orb?"

I inquired curiously.

"It was given to me by the previous chief of this village. My father, unfortunately I don't know where exactly he got that orb. Until now I didn't know it purpose, so I had it as a decoration to my home."

The chief explained.

I see, perhaps the previous chief didn't know the used of the time orb either, or just thought of it as an ornament. I made a look of understanding before opening up my mouth, however, before I could Alya thank the village chief instead.

".... I see thank you. Now could you tell me where the nine tailed beast is located."

Asked Alya. I looked at her curiously to understand her intention. As though she could easily see through my thought, she smiled gently before asking.

"Haruto, you want to eliminate the nine tailed beast, don't you?"

She suddenly asked. Hmm... how did she?

"You want to know how I knew about that? It's obvious, I could easily see you were very interested in that beast."

Alya said her green, emerald eyes glittered mysteriously. Seeing that I sighed quietly I guess it's no used hiding things from her. She nodded her head, before showing a smile filled with pride.

"Yes, I want to get rid of that beast. I can't just let something so dangerous run free, right?"

I said rubbing the back of my head a bit shyly.

The Second Incarnation of the God of CreationWhere stories live. Discover now