Strange dream?

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Unwavering darkness surrounded the surrounding. No matter where I look, I couldn't find anyone or anything. It was like when the blackness of night covers the earth. With my vision obstructed I couldn't help but feel uneasy however as though the darkness could feel my uneasiness light began to glitter the surrounding becomes clear, the shouts and cries of people gradually became louder.

The scenery before me showed a battlefield that was deprived of any vegetation or plantations, it was a large dried up open field with the scenery of a cloudless night sky a large moon illuminated the ground, the scenery was rather pleasant however there was also a tense atmosphere surrounding the battlefield as there was a large number of people carrying swords shields and spears.

The knights were all armed they were all equipped with swords and shields while on the other side an army of people with dark shaded skinned and red eyes carried long sword and spear.

"Don't give them a single chance to rest! Make sure you all stay in formations; mages take the rear and fire advance level magic!"

The commander shouted to his subordinates and the mages behind him before rushing into battle.

"You hear the captain don't let a single one of them enter the Kingdom!"

Another man carrying sword and shield said while keeping his guard against the demons coming his way. The Knights and soldier all charged toward the demons holding their respective weapons, clash of metal resounded the battlefield as more and more corpses began to fill the battlefield, a soldier holding a sword 2 meters tall swung at the demon sending his head flying, a large amount of blood flood out of his headless body, the soldier then turn his eyes to his next target however before he could attack.


The knight cried loudly as a sharp claw pierced the centre of his forehead a large amount of blood tickled down his face before his eyes lost their shine. the scent of blood covered the battlefield.

"Mother of fire blast my target flare ball!"

The mages all chanted their spells simultaneously A magic formation was formed as a ball of fire was then fired the spells of the mages illuminated the battlefield each of the fire balls went towards the demons slowly approaching.


The demons raised a loud groan as their bodies was hit by the flames. A soldier holding a spear immediately threw it with great speed towards a demon who was running at a high speed towards him, the spear then struck his head killing him instantly. The demons then attack the knights using their claws. However, the knights used their shields to block the upcoming attack.

"No matter what don't let a single one of them pass through the gate!! Graaah."

The knight shouted before he was pierced by the demons' swords.

"Fufufu.... you humans are weak."

The demon said with a sinister grin on his face. The two weapons clashes with a clang. The commander swung his sword horizontally however the demon swung his sword and parried his swing. The commander puts strength into his sword and tried to push back the demon however the one that was push back was the commander, the physical strength between their two races were clear. The commander lost his balance and stumbled backwards causing a fatal opening the demon took that opening and brought his sword downward to deliver the final blow, however.


The sound of a sword could be heard cutting through the air as the head of the demon was sent flying into the air spraying a trail of fresh blood on the ground. The commander turned his half-opened eyes towards the boy standing before him, the boy with slightly long black coloured hair that reaches his brow wearing a long black coat that reaches his knees with red line streaks going a cross.

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