Awakening in another world!

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When I open my eyes, I realize I was in a place unknown to me, I could feel the grass beneath my feet as I breathe in the fresh air there were huge trees everywhere I look. no matter how much I thought about it I don't remember ever being here before.

There was nothing but field everywhere I looked I was surrounded by hill and more hills the area was completely uninhabited there was not even the sound of animals the quiet atmosphere was making me a bit uncomfortable to be honest. I decided to look around in search of anyone I could find however-


Suddenly I heard a voice behind me, it was a familiar voice.

"It's almost time Haruto."

The voice said.

I quickly shifted my head to where the voice was coming from there, I saw a figure who stood before me it was a beautiful girl who I can't recognize she had bright green hair and sparkly green eyes staring at me.

Her long beautiful green hair was fluttering in the wind elegantly; her green eyes were extremely beautiful it reminded me of a beautiful green gemstone one of the highest qualities.

She seems to be in her late teens, and she had snow white skin her face was refined and gave her a gorgeous look. I had met a lot of beautiful women before but none of them compares to her beauty.

Being before such beauty made me nervous however I am curious as to why such beauty knows my name, she was the one who helped me before if I remember correctly. Even though back then I couldn't see her face I can still remember the sound of her voice.

"Who are you?"

I asked curiously.

"I'm the one who has always watch over you."
She said with a bright smile on her face.

"Huh.... watch over me.... what do you mean?"

I tilt my head as I was a little confuse.
She then briskly walked toward me taking short steps her long beautiful blue dress dance gracefully in the gently breeze.
She then reaches out both her hands as she once again holds me in her embrace.

"You may not understand right now but I promise you some day you will."

She said while smiling.

Being embraced by her made me extremely embarrassed my face was slowly turning a bit red. I could feel the warmth of her body and her sweet scent tickled my nose.

"Haruto once you're awake you probably won't remember anything."

She said her tone made it seems like she was a bit sad.

"However, I want you to remember no matter what happens from here on you'll always have me by your side."

A faint smile was then formed on her pink lips.

Before I could say anything to her.
my consciousness started to slip away I could hear her voice getting further and further away until I saw a light.
"Are you awake Haruto?"

"A.m.... yeah I'm awake."

With my vision slowly coming back the first thing I saw was a wide ceiling before me. And I felt a soft sensation underneath my head Immediately I knew that I was on some kind of bed it was really comfortable to the point that I wanted to stay like this for a while longer.

But I knew I had to at least know where I was, I then slowly turn my head to the right side of the bed and I saw a girl right next to me, she had bright fiery red hair she was extremely beautiful I couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty.

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