Royal dance

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I offered Princess Scarlett my right hand as I patiently waited for her responds, for an instant she made a face mix with surprise and confusion but was able to regain her composure. She then slowly took my extended hand.

"Shall we?"

I ask while staring closely at her face. I decided to ignore her red cheeks.


She said nervously while glancing away.

"Great. Now that it's decided why don't you guys' head there now... see the next song is about to start."

She said while pointing into the direction of the dance floor. There was already a large quantity of people gathered there.

Thus, Scarlett and I made our way towards that direction together. The first song that was already playing came to an end by the time we arrived, and the second song was now about to start. We then brought our bodies close to the point that our bodies touch then started dancing.

Scarlett moved her body with absolute elegance and her form was perfect, I wasn't fully accustomed to dances like this, so I decided to allow her to take the lead while I follow, I made a few missteps every now and then, but Scarlett covered all of them with the movement of her body. The spectators were all captivated by our dance. Scarlett gave off the image of a flower blooming in the flower field.

"As expected of Princess Scarlett her graceful movement truly is eye-catching."

"Yes, she is truly the definition of the word stunning."

"Sir Haruto is also quite stunning himself, his uncommon black hair gives him an unnatural look one cannot usually see in this Kingdom."

Words of admirations naturally resounded from the spectators who were watching fixatedly as though to not let a single moment slip pass them.

"It seems were the centre of attention."

I said amused by this.

"It seems so are you uncomfortable?"

Scarlett asks while gazing at my face.

"Well, I'm not uncomfortable but it's a new feeling."

I said as I twirl Scarlett while holding her hand, her long blue paled dress fluttered by the rotation. We then once again brought our bodies close as we continued our dance.

"This is a little embarrassing."

She muttered while staring at me awkwardly.

(Naturally our bodies are pressed together while we stare at each other's face from point blank range of course something like that would be embarrassing.)

I thought while chuckling lightly.

"What? why are you laughing."

Scarlett asks while pouting her lips cutely.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. After all Princess Scarlett had been to many formal dances like this before, right?"

I ask showing a mischievous smile. Judging by her movement it was plainly obvious this wasn't her first time in a formal dance.

"Eh, why yes. But actually, it's the first time I'm dancing with someone I'm close too."

She said quietly.

"Hmm... Ah did you say something Princess."

I ask tilting my head curiously. She started her first words a bit loud, but the last part of her sentence was extremely low, even though we were clinging closely together I couldn't hear her.

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