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Sometime after the other adventurers went to pursue Alice who had managed to escape the leader of the adventurer squad, Gael was sitting comfortably in his chair, though his expression looked slightly annoyed.

The atmosphere within the room became heavy as everyone became worried about their fates, they could all feel the pressure oozing from Gael who looked like he would explode at any moment.

"Tch, where are those idiots? How long does it take to find a helpless woman?!"

He suddenly exclaimed. His eyes were blood shot, there were also droplets of tears running down his face from time to time. Due to the particles of dust that Alice had thrown at his face.

He clenched his fist tightly causing his knuckles to crack, the village chief had a terrified look on his face as he prostrated himself on the ground.

Gael didn't say anything else as he slowly closed his eyes and folded his arms as he recline on his chair.

After waiting for thirty minutes, he finally opened his eyes and looked at the village chief who still had his head on the ground. Seeing that a small smirk appeared on his face, he then got up from his seat and stood in front the chief.

He then raised his right foot over the chief's head and brought it down.



The chief let out a groan as he felt the heavy weight on his head. Small cracks appeared on the wooden ground.

"Looks like times up, old man. I wanted to punish that insolent woman but, it seems I have to wait longer. My mood has now been ruined because of that bit*h, and now I want to let out my frustrations."

Gael said as he picked up the chief by his neck. The village chief struggled to breathe but his body was having trouble breathing in oxygen due to the pressure on his neck, Gael grin widely as he saw the pained expression on the chief's face. He then brought his mouth closed to the chief's ear as he whispered.

"Until that woman comes back, you're going to feel pain far worse than death."

He muttered so only the village chief could hear. The chief didn't reply he simply glared at the man with hatred visible in his eyes.

"Hah, what's with that look, you're the chief, right? Isn't it natural for the leader to be punish for the bad behaviour of their villagers, it seems you did a bad job leading them. And for your negligence you must be punish."

He said as he lunged his fist into the chief's abdomen.

"Guh. Cough, cough."

The chiefs' eyes opened wide as Gaels fist pummelled his stomach repeatedly. Soon blood started appearing from his lips. Gael didn't stop punching the chief's abdomen with his fist. After punching for some time, he finally let go of the village chiefs' neck which seems to have been cut by Gaels fingernail as his neck started bleeding.

Once his body had almost reached the ground, Gael used his right knee and struck the village chiefs in the head. His body twisted in midair as he fell noisily to the ground.

The other villagers looked horrified as they saw the brutal way their chief was being treated.

Among them two small children who seems to be brother and sister were hugging each other, the boy had rough facial features, and had short messy orange hair. While the girl had long orange hair that was tied in a one-sided ponytail that hung on her left shoulder. Her eyes were wide and carried a sense of gentleness to them.

"G- grandpa."

The frightened girl muttered while hugging her brother. The village chief was now on the ground coughing roughly while blood flowed through his mouth.

His expression then turned pained as Gael stepped on his right hand, he slowly increased the force of his feet as he dug it deeply onto the chief's hand, soon the sound of bones braking could be heard.


A loud cry then echoed through the room as the chief desperately endure the pain of his right hand that had twisted out of place.

"Hehe... as much as I enjoyed seeing that ugly expression of yours, I think it's time I go onto the next punishment, you see how stupid you are, old man. That woman ran away leaving behind all the pain and punishment for you and the rest of your people."

He said mockingly. Before holding the right hand of the village chiefs which has now gone numbly out of place.

He then reached out his hand towards the village chief's neck.

"Please don't hurt my grandpa anymore!"

A loud voice resounded the room. Everyone stopped and looked back at the one who had shouted. It was a small girl who seems to be 15 years old, her scared eyes were filled with tears, as her body trembled. Gael looked at the girl and a grin was formed on his face.

He then looked at the village chiefs.

"Hey old man, is that girl your grandchild? While beating you before your people is entertaining for me, I now find it boring. Maybe killing your precious granddaughter would satisfy my anger for that girl."

He said in a low tone. But even though his voice was low everyone presents still heard him. The girl's body trembled slightly as she heard his word.

"N-No please, don't hurt my grandchild."

The village chief pleaded with teary eyes. His face was swelling but he tried to at least prevent his grandchildren from getting harm. Gael ignored the words of the chief.

He then let go of the village chiefs and allow him to fall to the ground. The chief fell with a loud crash. Gael then started walking towards the girl who was still standing on her feet.

The village chief desperately tried to stop Gael, he dragged his injured body and held the leg of Gael in order to impede his movements. Gael made an annoyed face as he used his foot that was still freed to stomped on the head of the chief. The village chief clenched his teeth as he desperately endures the pain of his head.

His eyes were half opened his mouth was bloody and some of his teeth were missing. But he tried to stop Gael from harming his granddaughter.

"Tch, stupid old man! Get your filthy hands off my boots!"

Gael exclaimed as he kicked the face of the village chiefs, blood sprayed on the ground as the chief fainted unable to endure the pain of his head.

Gael finally arrived before the frightened girl. Gale then reaches out his hands towards her. She didn't move her legs trembled as she saw the muscular hands reaching towards her.

"What is going on here?"

Suddenly a loud voice resounded the room, everyone looked into the direction of where the voice came from.

There was a boy with silky black hair and black eyes standing by at the opened door, he donned a long black coat that reaches his knees, the streaks of lines going across on his coat shined a deep shade of red.

There was a beautiful scabbard hanging on his waist, a sword with a shiny golden handle that cleanly reflected the light that shines on the hilt.

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