New desire!

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Deep within my fading consciousness, I could no longer see anything, nor could I hear anything, I could no longer feel the intense pain from the wound I had received earlier.

I wondered is this what it's like when you die? Surrounded by nothing but endless darkness here not even time seems to exist. I couldn't tell left from right. I just stayed there quietly thinking about various things.

I wondered is this really it for my life? did I really came all the way here just to be killed? Was it okay for me to die a hopeless death like this? If I disappear, where will I go? would I be able to rest peacefully knowing that I haven't accomplished anything worth remembering? Does this mean my life doesn't have any meaning?

I stayed there as a bunch of unanswered questions filled my mind. Suddenly, A huge feeling of anger filled my heart.

After all I was brought here against my will, with no one to turn to why is the world so unfair I wondered? if I knew I was going to be stranded like this I would have come more prepared. reality is too cruel.

Why was I taken away from my family? Why was I sent into a place like this? Why did I have to be...? There was no salvation all that was ahead was bottomless despair. Knowing that fact my heart grew weaker there was nothing I could do.

Why? Why? Why? do I have to die do I deserved it. all I wanted was to live a quiet life.

Yet I was sent into this world against my will, I tried to save a girl that has no relation to me and got killed. Why did I....?
I gritted my teeth and clench my fist I felt intents anger. I curse the unfairness of the world.

Is this really okay, why do the victim always die while the assailant gets to live.
The more I thought about it the more my anger intensifies. Getting angry won't change anything, will it? However, I'll keep this anger as it's my only justice.

While I was pondering on such thought, I felt a sudden presence, I couldn't see the face of the figure however for some reason the figure felt familiar to me as if we had met many times. There was also a feeling of loneliness coming from the figure.

"You're not going to die."

Suddenly I heard the voice of the figure speaking to me in a gentle tone, it sounded like the voice of a girl, it was soft and beautiful just hearing it made me feel warm.

Suddenly I forgot about the anger and hatred I felt moments ago. No, I haven't forgot my mind is just much calmer now is it because of this figure I wondered? My attention was completely drawn to the figure before me.

"Please don't give up, you're not alone because I'm always with you."

Suddenly I felt two soft, slender hands embracing me.

"I promise I'll always be by your side whenever you need me."

There was happiness coming from that voice but there was also a strange sense of yearning for someone, it's a feeling I've known quite well, does this mean she is someone just like me I wondered?

"I don't understand who you are?"

I asked curiously.

However, the figure did not respond my question. She holds me tighter in her embrace as she whispered gently into my ear.

"Do you want to live? Or do you want to die? the choice is yours."

The figure said eagerly. While quietly awaiting my respond.

I want to live, dying here without ever accomplishing anything, there's no way I'll ever rest peacefully knowing that I've never achieved anything.

However, I'll need power in order to survive in this new world I'll need the strength to keep moving forward. Yes, I need power so that I never end up in such a weak state ever again.

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