You made a wind spirit mad!

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Hearing the words of Alice, I stared at her intensely, her pink coloured eyes had a tinged of resolve presented within them.

(Is she serious?)

I wondered. As I subconsciously turned my head towards Alya who went silent. The front bangs of her long green hair were covering her face making it difficult to see her expression. However, for some reason a chill went down my spine from the pressure surrounding her body.

"So... what do you say? Will you help me?"

Alice asks sincerely.


I froze unable to come up with an answer.

"Hey, don't you think you're getting a little carried away. Why do you think we will accept a reward like that?"

Alya said with a smile that wasn't an actual smile. Alice gazed at Alya with a determined look.

"I'm certain I could make Sir Haruto happy, please I don't want any more of my precious villagers to be hurt."

She said as she lowered her head. Hearing her words I made a contemplative face. While I could easily tell she was genuine about her wish to save her village, I honestly couldn't tell whether she was genuine about her decision to offer herself as a reward.

"Listen here little miss. He already has an amazing partner. Haruto doesn't need anymore."

Alya said in a somewhat annoyed tone. Seeing the two of them arguing I sighed quietly before stepping in between them.


"Okay that enough, will talk about this later. So can you lead us into the directions of your village?"

I said changing the topic. Alice eyes sparkled brilliantly as she held my hands.

"Please follow me."

She said before pulling me into the western parts of the forest.


Alya snorted with a displeased face as she followed us silently from behind. We started walking into the direction where many rays of sunlight could be seen passing through the tree gaps. After walking for approximately 20 minutes a nearby village became visible to my eyes.

Though the village seems to be in rather bad condition if I'm to be honest, we were now 40 feet's away from the village it had many old and dirty pieces of board separating the village from the outer perimeter of the forest. However, I couldn't help but feel a despondent atmosphere when I took a closer look at the field within the village.

The plantation field were all dried up, and there were many dead plants everywhere I look. The villagers all wore old and torn clothing. And looked like they were suffering through starvation.

"Hmm... things seem as bad as I thought."

I muttered out loud. Alya who as standing on my left nodded her head though she didn't say anything.

"It looks like they are still there."

Alice said as she gazed at her village in the far distance.

"Hmm... how do you know that?"

I ask curiously.

"You see whenever, it became hot at this time, the villagers would always be working on the garden, but the fields is completely deserted, which means those adventurers were most likely still there."

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