News of war!

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Words of the Kingdom of Alberta's declarations of war had been transmitted through the entire continent. Through a technology of "Magic Transmitter" an artifact that allows communication. Viscount Abel had explained the messaged that the King had said to him, explaining in detailed of what had transpired between their respective nations, he explained that they were going to war, and no one is to get involved between their disputes.

While most nobles had felt relief when hearing that they weren't supposed to get involved, some nobles were not happy about that and expressed discontent.

The King of the Watanabe kingdom was seated in his chair while pondering about the message he had just received.

The fact that the 'Alberta Kingdom' had sent out a warning stating that the surrounding kingdoms are not supposed to get involved had other meaning, they didn't want the additional help of the Watanabe Kingdom and they are most likely trying to show the other kingdom their battle prowess to make sure no other Kingdom step out of line.

King Almous sighed as he brought a cup of warm tea to his mouth. Sitting across from him was a beautiful woman who seemed to be in her mid-teens, her bright red hair was tied into a long one-sided ponytail, she donned a gorgeous yellow gown that stretch to her knees as she crosses one of her snow-white legs that became visible beneath her dress.

"Ara, it seems things are going to get noisy from here."

She said a bit tiredly, though contrast to her tone her eyes were sparkling as though she found the situation quite interesting. Hinata Watanabe was the first Princess of the Kingdom of Watanabe, also known as the "Nation of Fire" that worship the "Goddess of fire" Hinata was well known among the neighbouring Kingdoms for not only her beauty, but also her high intellect.

She wasn't particularly surprised that the Alberta Kingdom had declare war unlike the other nobles and royalties, contrary she honestly thought they would have done so a long time ago.

Though, she couldn't quite understand the motive behind the "Kingdom of Zestril" the fact that they had chosen to openly provoke the 'Alberta Kingdom" the strongest nation on this continent had a clear meaning in itself.

(Could it be, are they hoping to get rid of the strongest nation while hoping the weaker one would surrender when witnessing the strongest Kingdom getting taken over)

Hinata thought narrowing her crimson eyes as she pondered in her head. Indeed, if the strongest nation were to be defeated then many other nations would feel despair and lose the will to fight, it was an effective tactics to break the fighting spirits of the enemy's side.

Seeing the serious look on Hinata's face King Almous finally decided to break the silence within the room.

"What do you think?"

He asked his daughter, with an expected gaze seeing that look she naturally straighten herself before her pink lips parted.

"I personally think there is something suspicious going on within the Zestril Kingdom."

She said in a firm tone.

"If I recall correctly, the King that reign supreme over the northern land is known to be extremely greedy, he has a bad tendency to invade weaker territories and making them vassal state. However, while that man is a greedy dog who loves to steel from other plates, he is also cautious and cunning. The fact that sly old man boldly decided to go after the strongest Kingdom on this continent meant he is confident in his victory."

Hinata said explaining her reasoning in an eloquent tone. King Almous listened to her while nodding his head calmly. He also had the same thought. But what exactly was the foundation of his confidence? The Alberta Kingdom had a powerful knight there "Matthew" whose strength was prominent even in the neighbouring Kingdoms, he also wielded the "holy sword of Vanish" a sword that is embedded with "Annihilation magic" there are stories that that sword was the strongest and only inferior to the legendary weapons of the "Elemental Goddesses" the Alberta Kingdom also had powerful artifacts hidden there, the most famous was the impenetrable barrier surrounding the entire Kingdom. Which even the strongest level of "Advance magic" was rumoured to be ineffective against.

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